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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. :angry2: That is just ridiculous that there are people willing to do something like that! Good for you for chasing her down. Though really, do they have camera's in there? That would be an amazing video!
  2. Glad they are alive, but whoa 26 and 28? Words just escape me.
  3. I would think this board would have gone nuts with rumor and speculation if it was true. I do hope it is not!
  4. LOL. I have to agree on that! I have no clue to why she would endorse a woman from GA, unless it is just the fact she is a woman? Who knows?
  5. You can make your point without be insulting to those that do not agree with you. I believe, as many I have spoke with do, that some of these endorsements just reek of a new network being formed. It is as if people are being hand picked so things will be as they want. I personally do not want in fighting on our board, but I do not want a bunch of yes men/women either. There needs to be some kind of balance and at this point with all the "I will give up my paycheck", "I fully endorse" advertisement and calls, well seems to me that something is up. I am outside any political circle of pauld
  6. This whole thing is beginning to reek of good ole boy with all the specific endorsements!
  7. I agree! Evident how? You say so? She does not want to represent Post 2 and serve Paulding? Your comments regarding her are absolutely ridiculous. They have been for months. Austin taking out that ad was in poor taste and I have a feeling will bite him in the behind.
  8. Davids ad decided my vote. I do not like the fact he was endorsing who he wants on his board. I do not want a new group of cohorts. I believe BC received more votes then TP in the election, she now has 3 more from my home.
  9. I think you might be right! Look at what some of the bus route read. http://www.cobbk12.org/birney/busRoutes_NEW.htm
  10. I have some friends that teach in Polk and are so excited to have it. It is a great schedule and I have only heard rave reviews from all about it. I wish we could have done that!!!!
  11. PEACHMAC NOW HIRING GEORGIA'S APPLE SPECIALISTS Carrying everything you could ever want or need for your Mac, iPod, iPhone or AppleTV, PeachMac is an authorized Apple dealer that will be opening soon at The Avenue West Cobb near Barnes and Noble. To apply for available positions, which include Store Manager, Assistant Manager, Key Holder, Sales Specialist, Apple Certified Technician and Service Writer, click here. No phone calls please. Edited to say: This was sent to me in an e-mail today. They are still hiring.
  12. That was an intelligent answer. Thanks for making my point.
  13. She received the most votes in her race, correct? Obviously she is doing something right.(That was after her comment on SPLOST) I also seem to remember her granting you an interview on the information that Surepip posted. (That wound up being a contract that I and others would have made people uphold too) I do not believe her to be "ducking" stuff. There has been one thing after another about her here with not any of it full facts just opinions and speculation. I know in her position I would be hesitant to do anything with p.com. No offense to you, but the few that take things and run with
  14. I would imagine with the mud slinging in many a thread on here some candidates would be less then willing to come here. Maybe they had prior engagements, or feel as if some other forum works better for them. Just because someone does not come to a p.com round table does not mean they are "scared to show their face". Look at the votes they received. Obviously they are doing something right according to many who call Paulding home.
  15. Pft......... in this heat there will be nothing to clean up. The water will evaporate on contact!!! I do hope all the drivers and students drink a lot on their routes. I have an air conditioned car and driving home today was brutal.
  16. Of those that actually went to trial. Could I get a number for that? While 98.75% is impressive on its own, the real number of cases tried verses didn't even make it (waiting too long for various reasons given in these threads) would seem important to me.
  17. These are very similar. I loved those cookies! http://www.nichefood...om/products.php http://www.alaskasmo...ea-Cookies.html
  18. At this point pretty much all on here know who you are backing in these races, whether you can vote for them or not. Both David and Todd are apparently worthy of the position while the other two are not. I got it.
  19. Apparently going door to door speaking with people one on one on the issues has worked for them. If they feel this is the way to go, and the polls did show it worked, why do you have a problem with it?
  20. From their FaceBook page: (copied exactly) R & R Fresh Seafood and Oyster Bar Hey guys just to let you all know we did close the doors. Seafood got to high and we did won't to go up on our prices, Hiram wasn't ready for that.. But we will miss all you guys and hope one day we can reopen somewhere else.. So just stay posted and we will let you know when and were we go. Maybe in a month or so we'l...l see what happens. But right now Rochelle and myself just wonts to rest.Thanks for all the support.
  21. This whole case is just bizarre. HWAM - I don't know. That does not sound right to me.
  22. This is why I always say the old adage, "sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you" is way off the mark. Words even to adults have a way of hurting so deeply that it distorts our perception of both our self and others. Now what you say about ADA's leaving is a no brainer. Without a doubt some will leave the office. Didn't a few or more quit before Drew came on board, not that it matters, but any time a new boss comes in shake ups happen.
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