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Everything posted by Incabiker

  1. There is a sign that the government put in his front yard describing what he can't do???? I never had heard of them doing that.... guys gotta be pretty messed up.
  2. My wife had a cyst on her ovary when she was 18 and everyone thought she was dying. She could not talk and her eyes were rolled up in her head because of the pain. They had to call an ambulance because she was not responding. A lot of vomiting also... from just the pain. I hope that she gets helped soon.
  3. What a douche... does anyone know why he has such a weird infatuation with the animals? What is the story behind that? I know some people like to keep farms with animals on them, but mostly they treat them humane. This guy just sounds like a wacko who just has an odd infatuation with animals. Very creepy.
  4. So what is the deal with this guy and animals? Does he have an infatuation with them? Seriously, why does he keep getting animals when he knows that he has been in trouble up the wazoo with them. Why doesn't he find another hobby? Does he have a mental disorder? What type of person is he? Is he a dirty old redneck?
  5. I was not a big fan of Dale Carnegie's how to win friends and influence people. All it was to me was a way to manipulate people by being a fraud... or someone you are normally not. Pretty much the person he describes you being is a car salesman... but in a nice thought out manner, lol. I guess if you want to be like that the methods work just fine.. but you are just pretending to be someone you are not.
  6. If it is concealed it does not matter what the sign says unless you tell them that you have one hidden under your clothes. Now public gatherings and what not you better not carry, even concealed, because you will get in some serious trouble if you are found to be packing.
  7. This is crazy..... sorry to hear about this happening. I would definitely have my guns ready to go (they always are anyways) because this sounds pretty serious. If the "Grandfather" is crazy enough to get your daughter in a head lock and beat a defenseless girl down, I don't think that he is going to mind some serious violence. Sounds like an awful situation happening to good people. I thought you could get in some serious stuff for threatening someone. Did the neighbors beat the grand father down when breaking up the fight, or was he just unlatched? Hope he got a good whipping, sounds like h
  8. Thank god there are some walmarts still selling fire arms... most of the ones around stopped selling them. The only ones I know of now is that Rockmart location and the one off of Dallas Highway.
  9. Very good info... if you are a do it yourselfer it is pretty easy. But the lightning could have fried more then just your power supply. Could have fried your mother board, memory, etc... but the power supply is a good start. Make sure you get a power supply that has all the connections for your current hardware. Serial ata hard drives have different power supply connectors then parallel connectors. Also, make sure to get a decent brand, they usually run around 40 or so dollars. Don't get a crappy cheap brand, because it WILL die prematurely and give you all kinds of headaches before it does.
  10. Oh... I thought you actually physically had to get a permit..
  11. So... do you mean that Cobb residents do not need a permit for a residential burn and Paulding residents do? Is that correct? I
  12. Maybe they did before I got there.. lol. But I walked up there one time on my birthday at the end of August and some guy was getting his knob polished right on top of the falls.. my dog sneaked up there and barked at them and they both about had a stroke (bet that ruined it for him)... I didn't say anything to them and just walked away. If I had my kids with me that would have been very weird and I would have been furious.
  13. Goldmine lake is up for fishing any time. But.... it is so choked out with green slime that no lure will work because it will get covered immediately, top water too. That lake used to be wonderful and crystal clear, but just this year it got choked up really bad with green slime and looks nasty. I tried fishing it but there are no clear pockets anywhere, I don't even know how fish are living in there any more under that mess.
  14. Sounds like it could have just been an accident... loose railing, leaning over to feed the birds, tripped headlong into the railing at a weird angle and just so happened to fall over... who knows. But I am sorry for her family. I have heard of people doing that balcony jumping though. One of my co-workers said that he was standing in a parking lot of a hotel in PC when he looked up and saw some guys jumping from one balcony to another about 8 stories up. The 3rd guy got ready and jumped, slipped off the balcony and plummeted to the parking lot about 5 feet away from him.. said the guy died imm
  15. What.... why can't you burn on Sundays? Please don't tell me this is a blue law? My neighbors have been burning all weekend and yesterday and nothing was said to them, and I really don't care nor do I think anyone is going to call the law on them? Unless it is really dry and windy it doesn't matter to me. I have had many a camp fires in my backyard on Sundays, and still will. Is there a difference between a burn and a camp fire?
  16. Make sure to scout the area before taking the kids..... teenagers do some nasty things at the top of the falls. I have so far twice witnessed people at the top of the falls with out clothes on engaging in some serious hanky panky...... then my dog goes and chases them around.. lol. What are they thinking?
  17. Wind is going crazy here.... the front is right on top of us... going to get bad in a few minutes.. my dog is getting nervous too and there is no thunder... that is odd... she only gets scared when there is thunder...
  18. Dang..... lightning just blew up literally beside our houshe. Lightning and explosion happened simultaneousnessly....
  19. Coming down hard here near the walmart at dallas highway.... Lightning, rain.. dog is freaking out.. lol
  20. Incabiker


    It is looking crazy outside. The lightning is non stop... but not close. But is is continuous, never stopping.
  21. Thanks, Hopefully that will be the replies I get from the people we go to interview with. Also, where are some of the best places to find rental homes? Craigs list is too chaotic, is there another place that has homes which are organized by city? I am looking to get into a rental for at least 5 years, is there any way to lock in a rate with land lords. I do not want to move in at a fair price and have them keep jacking up the rent every year. We will probably be looking on the market in about 3-4 months, but I want to go ahead and make sure I know everything I need to know before I r
  22. My dog is not aggressive, but she doesn't love up on strangers either, licking on everyone who comes by, lol. She does fine with all of my kids friends and anyone else who comes over. She is an excellent watch dog and will let you know that someone is on her property by coming and getting me. She is the perfect dog to me. I wish I could take you up on your offer, but we won't be looking at the market for probably another 3 months or so. I was just trying to see how open renters were for people with 1 well behaved dog, because I am the most loyal renter one could have, but you sure aren't getti
  23. What are the policies regarding dogs usually? She is a mixed beagle / chow mix and weighs maybe 25-35 lbs.. she is about as big as a beagle, looks like a miniature golden retriever. There is no way in the world I would ever give her away.. sorry, no can do, she is the best dog I have ever had. Where is the best place to look for rentals? I will probably be looking in 2 to 3 months, but my dog is definitely coming with me.
  24. Well, Seems like we will be trying to find a rental home here shortly, and the only thing is that I have a 4 year old dog that is like part of the family. She is an inside dog and was poddy trained at the age of 9 months is better then kids about it, lol. She is well behaved and is about as good as a dog can get. Anyhow, how can I find a person willing to rent to a family that has 1 pet? I have heard a lot of people don't like animals because they are messy, but I am sure some will be willing to let a dog in the house that is more hygienic then most people are.
  25. There was a turkey this morning by kroger near the avenue. It was directly in the median pecking all the little pebbles there. I reached out my window and was about 2 inches from touching it and it didn't move. That turkey was down near east paulding drive last time I saw it. I am surprised it isn't dead yet, considering that they are suppose to be dumb. She has survived a lot longer then the daily dead dears on dallas highway.
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