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Everything posted by dawneykids

  1. Only for a moment....well.....maybe a little longer than a moment. But you can't argue good sense, so why bother? I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing for my benefit as well as for middleschoolers and people can think what they want one way or the other.
  2. I think these pics are cuter than the ones of the puppy and the dog in the other thread!!! Actually, I'm certain of it!! Sweet, sweet baby!
  3. No kiddin', I'm Cherokee too on both sides and I've never once applied for a casino license.
  4. Yea, who knew!! And yes to everything in your last paragraph. I never want to be the parent saying, 'What could I have done differently to have avoided this tragedy'. And I couldn't care less what others think who don't take the precautions that we do, I just feel bad for their kids.
  5. We invited Hubbys sister and niece to join us on vacation at the beach this summer and practically every second we weren't outside, she was playing this game. It was kind of rude IMO. Maybe I just don't understand phone game etiquette.
  6. It's their own shortcomings that made them feel the need to react that way to a funny story. Their issue, not mine.
  7. Yea, like I care how far you walked. You're not my kid. Because we were going TOGETHER to meet him. Thank you! Yea, I think we're on the same page about the bus now. Well, luckily I don't embarrass my kids like your parents must have embarrassed you and they like me too. Tell that to the many 6th, 7th, 8th, graders, etc., who have gone missing while walking alone. I'll bet that their parents wish they had been a little more watchful and they wouldn't have a missing or dead kid.
  8. As some of you know, I have been oh so apprehensive about 6th grade and the fact that middleschooler wanted to ride the bus. According to the bus info web site, the bus would be dropping off at 4:15. 4:15, not 4:10 OR 4:20. Weeeeell, at 3:40, a mere 5 minutes after school was out, I was ready to go the bus stop and wait. Hubby said, 'No, we'll leave for the bus stop at 3:55, plenty of time to get there'. Trying to be logical, I reluctantly agreed. At 3:46, when I could no longer contain myself, I insisted on going to the bus stop. Hubby said, 'Let me get my shoes on'. No sooner had I gott
  9. Happy Birthday P.com!!!!!! This site was literally my lifeline when my sister passed away in 2007 and I can't tell you how many friendships opened up to me because of it. Most of the time it's a great place to be, you just have to know what topics to stay out of to keep your sanity!!
  10. A good boss might make me try to put up with the idiots. I'm certain that there are idiots every place you'll ever work, and you never know if the boss may be one of them. It would be scary not knowing if you were jumping from the frying pan into the fire. But you never know whats out there until you look, I wouldn't quit one just to look though. Good luck!!!!!!!
  11. ^^This, in a nutshell. Thank you!!!!
  12. Us too. I'm looking forward to the house not being so chaotic during the day, but I'm freaked out that my boy will be in 6th grade AND riding the bus.
  13. No kidding!!! People who do wrong, like politicians and sexcapades to athletes and drugs, are stupid idiots who think they are going to be first not to get caught because they are smarter than everyone else. Fools, the lot of them. They deserve whatever they get. What a D-U-M-B-A-$-$!!!!
  14. What is the problem with showing ID to vote? I simply don't get all the bruhaha. Even if you don't drive, you can get a free photo ID at the DMV. If you're too lazy to go and get an ID so you're able to vote, maybe you shouldn't be voting in the first place.
  15. I sew A LOT and for years and years I had a mid-range Kenmore, which you can get now for around $159.00. Beware of plastic and light weight, try to get as much metal as you can. Also, even with sewing for a living, my machine was very basic and I never needed anything fancy schmancy. Straight, zigzag, button hole capability are about all you need. Avoid anything at Wal-mart like the Brothers they sell. I'll look up a couple and post them. Good luck! http://www.sears.com/singer-heavy-duty-sewing-machine/p-02098033000P?prdNo=2&blockNo=2&blockType=G2 Does Sears not sell Kenmor
  16. I love bisque appliances, but I've found in the last year or so when we've had to replace 2 that they are very limited. Apparently, you and I are the only two people on the planet who don't like stainless steel. So, I settled on black. Don't love 'em, but I couldn't get the stove I wanted in bisque or white. I'm a little too old school I guess.
  17. Thanks! I'm going with a good attitude and an open mind. Middleschooler is so excited and maybe just a little nervous and in trying to be a good Mom, I'm talking it up at every opportunity I can. 'Are you excited'? 'It's sooo cool that you are going to 6th grade'. 'You're going to do great'. All the things you're supposed to say all the while thinking, 'But you're only a baby......don't go'! I'm a nut, I know!!
  18. This is a pdf of all of the guidelines. They have to be 4. http://www.decal.ga.gov/documents/attachments/Guidelines.pdf
  19. I thought they went to kindergarten when they were 5 and pre-k was 3 or 4?
  20. Please call 770-505-3558 to make an appointment. Walk-ins will be accepted based on availability. Central Registration Office: 522 Hardee St. Dallas, GA 30132 Phone: 770-505-3558 Google Map Hours of Operation: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday - closed between 11:30 - 1:00 Hope this helps, good luck.
  21. He's going to Moses. From what I understand, most of the kids at Moses come from Abney, Northside and Shelton. I think it's just weird that he won't be at the same school as the grandbabies. We always took all three and picked up all three at the same time and they are all going to be bus riders this year, their choice not the Moms!!! Once again, change is not my thing.
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