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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. I'm craving the Philly Cheesesteak!
  2. I like everyone, even Shan...
  3. Ask her, I am sure she can explain...
  4. Good luck to you Shan06 and I do mean that in a genuine way. I also think you will make better decisions in the future...
  5. Care to answer her? Since posting my response, I have gotten 2 friends requests...
  6. Or go on various message boards posting of their struggles...
  7. My son is in TN working and supposed to be heading this way this afternoon...
  8. I sure hope we dodge this bullet. I love snow, but ice? Not so much!
  9. I know you are asking suggestions for the baby after you bring her home but I just have to throw this in here. REMEMBER TO TAKE WARM SOCKS FOR THE DELIVERY ROOM. It is freezing in there!
  10. I know one thing you will be wishing you COULD ask them to run out and purchase and that is rest. Be sure you get plenty...
  11. Unless you want to be looking for another job in this economy, I recommend that you go up the chain of command and choose your words very carefully. If this is about your job performance and there is some credence to this email, you should just make the needed improvements...
  12. My prayers are going up for all of you, T...
  13. MeWhoElse


    Umm, I think she meant more of a "quiet" confidence...
  14. MeWhoElse


    I noticed that too. I hope everything it okay...
  15. MeWhoElse


    I could not agree more...
  16. Think anyone would notice if I went to work for you that day?
  17. It is much better than I thought, but it will come down even more...
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