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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. I would love for LE to step in here and tell us what the required criteria is for charges like these...
  2. Knock on wood. I do that all the time, lol...
  3. I absolutely agree with this...
  4. Maybe they are still making the adjustments. I like my hearts to be red!
  5. Now if someone would give me a duck phone just like the one on Jersey Shore I would be good to go...
  6. Smiles are contagious and best of all they are FREE!
  7. He looks like the Queen of England...
  8. Can people tell there are pinto beans when they taste it?
  9. You wash it out with Dawn detergent, silly. No problems at all...
  10. Law enforcement is put on the spot in these cases, if you ask me. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. You couldn't pay me enough to be a police officer OR an educator in this day an age. And to think my daughter is in college for her teaching degree scares the heck out of me...
  11. Who here believes everything they read in the AJC? These are peoples lives and reputations that are being affected. Unless you witnessed this yourself, have enough sense to let the courts handle this...
  12. play GOD........................... Too late, you already bought Pcom...
  13. Now that right there was sweet!!!
  14. You are about three hours late, lol...
  15. The vaseline smothers the lice and eggs...
  16. Frozen pizza but I am going to chew it like a steak...
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