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Everything posted by TripletMom

  1. Another suggestion: Buy one that doesn't look like a diaper bag so you can carry it all the time. This way, you can put your wallet and necessities in it as well. No sense in carrying a purse AND a diaper bag.
  2. We threw ourselves a 10year anniversary party a long time ago. Invited friends over. Told them no gifts, just BYOB. It was fun! Yes, it can be done, but tactfully. P.S. We've been married 31 years this year, so it WAS a long time ago! LOL
  3. Well said, Pubby. Also, remember there have been ...wait for it....CHURCH SHOOTINGS (Oh the horror!) as well. Does it mean the preachers all need to be packing every Sunday morning?? Ugh.
  4. Well, I get that. I have locked windows and doors as well. But I meant nailing them shut. I don't know how some parents don't hear that their kids are in trouble in the middle of the night. I don't get it at all. I think that some were during the summer when just the screens were up and the windows were open? I dont' know. But still, I think my point still exists. The media makes all of these terrible moments in time seem like the norm and it's not the norm. Here in GA we have tornadoes occasionally. So, because we SOMETIMES get a tornado through, does EVERYONE run out and build a st
  5. Agreed. First, where does common sense come into this? Second, I suppose this guy thought Ft. Hood left all their weapons at home that day?
  6. While I don't know anything about the massacre, that is really awesome that you are related to Granny Clampett!! So cool! I have the monthly membership too. And this year, we sprung for the DNA stuff. I've had mine, my hubby's, and my son-in-law's done. We weren't overly surprised to find what came up (nothing earth shattering), but it has helped us with more family trees and links than ever before. Hands down the best thing we could have done!
  7. If you're talking about the countries currently at Civil War, they've been at war since day one. The children there know nothing else. We have generations of children who have grown up WITHOUT civil unrest. Something tells me that it won't happen. No, I don't live in a cloud. No, I don't have a unicorn or a fairy. I just believe we the people as a whole have more sense about us than that. Obviously, you don't think so. Are you one of those Doomsday preppers??? Betcha are.
  8. I'm not sure the parents in Newtown are expecting every teacher in the system to be armed now either. This was a freak thing. Freaky because while the Media is covering it nonstop, shootings in schools etc are not the norm. Our children went to 12 years of public schooling and never had an issue of any kind. I went to school for 12 years (albeit a loooonnnngggg time ago) without incidence. I'm just saying that it CAN be done and IS done safely every year. What about the in-house abductions? You know the ones where kids are kidnapped from their beds by strangers? What do we do there
  9. Agreed. We all should keep in mind that the Constitution was written over 200 years ago when the people were at risk at any moment of England's overpowering. We don't have that problem now. We have a large military who can fight FOR us. Us regular folks don't need to join in. If we had to fight another Revolutionary War, I get it. But we don't. And anyone who thinks that there may be another Revolutionary or Civil War within these borders is out of their ever-loving mind.
  10. You are incorrect. The average citizen does not need any semi automatic/bushmaster/AK-47 whatevers at all. A shotgun to protect life and limb at home is all that is EVER necessary. You don't need the aforementioned assault weapons to hunt either. A shotgun or rifle or even bow/arrow will work just fine. Dang, people! We don't NEED the weapons. Just because the Constitution says we have the RIGHT to bear arms, doesn't mean we have to. BTW, the right is to BEAR them, not OWN them. Therefore, WHEN and IF a crisis with the government that everyone is worried about arises, people can go
  11. Consider that my Christmas present to you! You may want to frame it... he he!
  12. Oh no!! Howdy Doody died???? Seriously? He had that shock of red hair and my husband automatically associated him with Howdy Doody. He saved my son's life! OMG! Please let us know if this is true.
  13. No research necessary. Thank you for clarifying. But, I still believe we live in the best country. We take so much for granted here. But, honestly, I'm tired of discussing it all. I'm good here. Stradial was right. I'm right. Everybody is right. La la la la la .....
  14. I don't know. I don't think MY rights have been infringed upon. I know I can say anything I want to say. I know that if I want to own a gun, I can go to the store and buy one, etc. I still feel we live in the greatest country ever. If dgitw would go to, say, South Africa, she may come back with an entirely different view of the United States. Or maybe try Iran. That should spin her head around a bit. I guess I'm in the minority here. I am not wearing my rose colored glasses today. I wholeheartedly believe we are better off with Obama than we were with either of the Bush boys.
  15. I realize that. I heard on NPR the other day that this was going to take alot of work. BECAUSE of the modifications one can make to a weapon, the laws have to written to take that into consideration. It's going to be difficult. I don't think the government is going to outright ban all weapons. But I DO believe Obama has some tough times ahead while he figures this out. I hope the NRA is willing to work with him as well. We need to work together on this to get something constructive out of it. But I DO think it's possible to come to an agreement that everyone can live with (pardon the p
  16. Oh. I could have sworn there were Bennetts across the street from us just a bit up the street. I could be wrong. But her name sounds awfully familiar!
  17. I'm not saying we should get rid of the right to bear arms. I just think that when it was written, folks weren't thinking people are thinking now. When our founding fathers wrote this, people owned guns for security of property and family, and for killing food. Nothing was available back then except rifles/shotguns, handguns, and the famous cannon. Obviously every household didn't have a cannon in the front yard! I think that there should be an amendment that tightens up the phrasing. We don't need every person on our block owning AK47s or worse. I feel sure that in order to protect you
  18. Wait! Hiram Sudie Area????? Like around Philips Lee Road?
  19. Ok. I wasn't going to even dignify this topic with my reply...but here goes anyway... First, why would you start this crap? Whether the guy is real or not, don't post it and not expect some kind of rabid response. Everyone around the world are mourning for these teachers and children. To start something this way is rude and disrespectful. I don't think your hormones are out of wack. I think you're being mean. Stop it! Everyone stop it! We have bigger issues here. We have children dead and teachers dead. And it has NOTHING to do with Autism or Aspergers or guns. It has to
  20. I agree. But they weren't even driving fast. They were just trying to aim for the mailbox or sign so he could hang out of the window and touch it. Then he gave a loud warrior yell like it was really such an accomplishment. I guess they just don't have enough to do.....
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