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Everything posted by TripletMom

  1. Does anybody out there know how much of a need there is for Medical Coding people or Medical Transcriptionists? Thank you in advance!
  2. Well, when you look at it that way! I've been to chiropractors. But it just makes me nervous to think about an infant being adjusted. It's one of those weird feelings I have. The honey thing is substantiated by doctor after doctor. So, don't just take my word on that one! As for the whiskey - that's an old wives cure. My great grandparents used it and all the parents since then. It works. Even my pediatrician told me it wouldn't hurt as long as I was careful in the dosage. When you're trying to help your child breathe and sleep, you'll do almost anything.
  3. Here's my two cents : Personally, I'd be leary of taking a baby to the chiro. I've been to the chiro. No problems. But my baby? Not a chance. Not until he can tell the doc it hurts and where it hurts. Second, for the cough, put Vicks on a cloth diaper or light weight baby blanket. Pin to the inside of the baby's undershirt or pajamas or onsie. whatever. Make sure the vicks is not really thick on there, but would cover his entire chest. Keep the humidifier going. I'd put a little whiskey in some juice or whatnot to help with the cough. You can't use honey until he's at least a
  4. It's probably just going to be bumped to next week. I DVR them all the time and noticed that the race took presidence last night. That stupid race went on for like 4 hours. I'm glad I didn't DVR that thing! I've got my TV set to record next week.
  5. Guilty! She had an affair. The few times I've seen her testify, she's awfully dang touchy when asked about her reactions, her thinking at the time. She's pretty smarta$$, I think, for being pretty close (imho) to a murder charge, maybe accessory? How could she not understand what this man was thinking? She worked with him. She should have known that what he said was how he felt and it was real. She should have stopped it. Those darn office romances get you every time!
  6. Alas, we still don't know what was going on. Maybe the official police rep on here can pop on and shed some light????
  7. Has anyone checked MegaBus.com? That bus goes from Jacksonville to Atlanta for like $50. Then he could get a CCT bus from any Marta station and come straight to Paulding. With his bike. I agree. He didn't leave Jacksonville with no money. He has to eat. Since he's a teen, that's all he thinks about. So, he has money. I would bet on it.
  8. My husband's paternal grandmother would say "That wind is coming straight off Old Peter's Pond" which meant it was really cold wind..
  9. Nope. Not splitting hairs. Say what you mean, and mean what you say.
  10. FINALLY! Something we can agree on. Agree to disagree....Dang!
  11. "normal: conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural. Homosexuality does not fit with the definition of normal. " But does your dictionary explain where the standard comes from? Is it species-wide? Is it community-wide? It's normal for me to want a cup of coffee at 2:00 every afternoon. Do you? If not, then are you abnormal, or am I?
  12. "Homosexuals would never pass on their genes if the idea is followed strictly." Speaking scientifically, of course, I believe that Science has advanced it's fertility know-how enough that homosexuals can have children/pass on their genes by way of surrogates and sperm banks.
  13. "I just gave an easy solution to equal rights across the board and you called me a bigot. Everyone would have the same process when it can to legal rights when viewed by the state. Your gay couple could still get married; they’d just need to find a church that would perform it instead of the state. " "It’s about forcing you’re views on the nation as a whole regardless of their beliefs, morals and standards. You feel you’re somehow entitled to tell everyone else what is right and wrong." And you're not forcing your opinions on anyone, are you?
  14. It IS normal. For them. Just as being straight is normal for you. And, yes, it should be called something other than marriage. But to quote you: "I think people should get married in the church"...that's pushing your beliefs onto me. And I don't appreciate it. I didn't get married in a church. It was a beautiful ceremony at my inlaws' home - by a preacher I didn't even know because it made everyone happy that we had some sort of religious ceremony. I'm still married almost 30 years later. Would I do it again? Absolutely. But not with any religion involved. As with guns, the religi
  15. It is difficult for me to understand why people are so cruel. Why are these young men so hateful, violent, heartless, and without soul. As a mother to a wonderful young son who happens to be gay, I find all of this hatred too much to bear sometimes. I worry for our child. He's almost 30 years old now, but he can still be hurt by uncaring individuals in this world. I worry for his friends. We attend Gay Pride because we support our son and the fact that he has a right to live his life just like everyone else has that right. Until we, as a nation, can do away with the hatred that is somet
  16. Last night on my way home, there were blue lights flashing everywhere over at the Hiram PD. I could see them from 92. Anybody know what happened?
  17. School was "in session" because the crash happened around 4 pm. School buses at that time were going from elementary schools to middle to PCHS. So when the bus picked you up at your home, you drove to the elementary school first, let off all the little ones, then went to the middle school for those kids, then went to the only high school in Paulding - PCHS. Then, in the afternoon, the schedule reversed itself. So the buses would have been packed at the elementary when they left there to take kids home. I hadn't been home 10 minutes when my mother came flying in the drive and told us all t
  18. Did you actually SEE these documents in person? Did you see the originals in person? If not, how do you know that what you're seeing is even correct? You don't know. Yes, there are ways to forge documents. But his birth certificate came from Hawaii from the office where they registered there. Period. That's the one I saw. He was born herE, he moved overseas, and he moved back. Get over it already!! THANK YOU! AMEN TO THAT!
  19. I know now. I'm getting her mixed up with another person. So sorry for the family's loss. It's hard to lose someone so young...
  20. Now see? I thought I was the only person left in the world who knew about black salve.....Awesome stuff - especially when you have a kid with a splinter who won't let you touch them! Walmart has it too.
  21. Does anyone know if this Tammy lived in New Hope over on Due West Road when she was a teen?
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