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Everything posted by melnsid

  1. I wonder if the Childrens Healthcare place is open tomorrow? I am guessing not but will call in the morning to find out. I wouldn't go through his regular doctor but instead call the orthopadic doctor first. I just hate going to the ER unless it is life or death situation.
  2. Friday evening my 11 yr old son fell through a tree fort. The boards were rotten and when he stepped on it he fell right through 12-14 feet to the ground and landed on his left hip. I didn't find out about it for a few hours when I noticed him limping around and he finally told me what happened. I didn't rush him to the doctor to have it x-rayed because I figured he was walking and playing and nothing seemed to be "broken". But now he is really complaining about his hip and his groin area. He is one of those kids who doesn't like to admit he is in pain because he still wants to be able to
  3. I have been in the same situation. When my youngest son was 3 years old (he is 17 now), I met my husband. We married and had a son 3 years later. My husband wanted to adopt my son so he could have the same last name as us and his baby brother and have the many other benefits that come along with it. It is weird because my oldest still calls him by his first name but when he is speaking with his friends he refers to him as his dad.
  4. I went through this 10 years ago with my oldest son (who is 17 now). His father and I were never married but I had to hire an attorney and terminate his rights (very easy to do). Then my husband could adopt him. Since I had a court order already in place for child support and he never paid a dime, he still owed the back support (time of birth until my husband adopted my son).
  5. Boone, NC is BEAUTIFUL!!! Growing up in South Florida, my parents would take us skiing every winter in Boone. My sister now owns a second home there (well actually Blowing Rock). My youngest son learned how to snowboard there a few years ago. Can't wait to go back up in the winter.
  6. I don't think I am angry at her- just the depression. She was getting help for it for many many years, but I guess she just couldn't deal with it anymore.
  7. I found out on Monday that one of my best friends took her own life Sunday night. I knew she suffered from severe depression, but I never thought she would do something like this. Especially after her brother took his own life just 1 year ago. I can't even image the overwhelming grief her parents are going through. She called them Sunday night to say goodbye. I am so sad yet at the same time so angry. Is that normal? I just don't understand why she felt she had to do what she did and I guess I never will. Please say a prayer for her parents.
  8. When you find a way to get rid of them, let me know!!! I am so SICK of killing them then cleaning them up, and hours later have a thousand more!
  9. I want to sit out there from 10pm on but I am chicken. But maybe not if someone was with me I could do it. If you are up for it we can pick a night and do it (Saturday night maybe?). But from now on I will smoke on the front porch after dark.
  10. I completely believe in ghosts. I am just hoping that this one stays outside!!! This was my first "encounter" with a ghost and made both my husband and I true believers. We moved here when my youngest son was 2 and oldest was 8. We moved into a rental house in Cobb County and my oldest son refused to sleep in his room because he said he felt like someone was touching him while he was asleep. Meanwhile, the 2 year old would sit and have conversations with someone in the hallway outside of their room. I just thought he had an imaginary friend. One night I decided to sleep in their roo
  11. Now I am REALLY freaked out! Just went out on the back deck to smoke and as I was standing there I heard the footsteps. I turned to look down the steps and a shadow moved across the bottom landing. The garage light was on inside and it blocked out the light that was coming through the window onto the stairs. Of course I ran inside down to the garage to see if someone was there. Again nothing. I just noticed that the last time I heard the footsteps was almost the exact same time as tonight (10:30ish).
  12. Could be! I am not scared of it, it just creeps me out.
  13. I don't think it is "bad" or trying to "harm" us. It is just creepy to hear. Yes near Due West and Mt Tabor.
  14. Might have to look into that. Thanks
  15. I fully believe it is a "ghost". My husband and I have actually heard footsteps in my hallway one morning while laying in bed. No one was home but us and the dogs were in our room. We both jumped up and ran to look but again- NO ONE! Thank gosh he has actually heard them too or he would think I was crazy!
  16. I am sitting in my bedroom on the computer and heard footsteps on my back steps outside. It is very heavy sounding like boots but no one is there. This isn't the first time this has happened. Both my husband and I have heard this same thing in the middle of the night numerous times. You can clearly hear someone with heavy boots walking from the bottom to the top. He has actually gone outside with a baseball bat fully expecting to find someone at the top of the stairs. And nothing. This is the first time I have heard it this early at night. I am a little freaked out by the whole thing.
  17. Good to know. I am heading there on Tuesday. Hopefully the oil will stay away!
  18. Thanks! I know I can get a Days Inn in Panama City for $55 a night but was hoping for even lower through priceline. Guess I will give it a shot!
  19. Looking to go to Panama City Beach for 2 maybe 3 nights to watch our son's baseball team. Money is extremely tight so looking for the cheapest place to stay. Has anyone ever used Priceline.com and "bid" on a hotel? What are your experiences? Good/bad? Thanks
  20. melnsid


    My husband got a ticket for this too. He went to court and fought it and won. I posted about it when it happened. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/224896-questionvent-about-traffic-ticket-update/page__p__2938618__fromsearch__1entry2938618
  21. My son is having his 5th grade field trip tomorrow to downtown Atlanta. Suppose to leave the school at 7:30am. I will be a nervous wreck all day.
  22. OH NO- my sister in law lives there. Trying to call her now...
  23. I am beginning to wonder if the pollen is to blame. Seems like I get a bad outbreak the first week of April every year. I guess there might not be much I can do about it but deal with it
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