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Everything posted by melnsid

  1. I have tried so many topical creams and none seem to work. All the doctors I have gone to say to try and keep your hands dry. Since that doesn't help, maybe I will try the wet compresses. Never heard of the ultraviolet light therapy, so will definitely check that out! Thanks! Mine doesn't get as bad as some of the pics you can google but bad enough to were I have a hard time using my fingers because of the pain.
  2. Does anyone have this skin condition? If so, is there anything that helped with the itch and pain? I get this every Spring and NOTHING has helped.
  3. Great- if that is the case mine won't be able to afford to go to college now, which is just in another year. Not good!
  4. The Uhaul has pulled away!!
  5. our favorite neighbor is loading the Uhaul today
  6. A couple of weeks ago my 16 yr old son was looking for a car to buy. I bought the Carfax reports for the ones he was very interested in. 3 out of the 5 cars I pulled the report on said "flood damage". So glad I decided to run the reports- who knows what we could have ended up with.
  7. That is all I ask for. If my boys ever do anything or say anything bad I WANT to know so I can handle it.
  8. I never hear them anymore since I am hardly ever home. By the way they have a "for rent" sign up in their yard!! They are moving so hopefully they will be gone before summer arrives and you won't have to deal with it anymore
  9. I feel your pain!! We had someone who called the police last night on my boys. Accusing them of stealing his basketball!!! The kid (who lives in the next subdivison) brought the ball to our cul-de-sac to play basketball with all the boys. He had words with another boy and left (without his ball). Went home and his mom called the police and said my boys stole it. My oldest went and showed the officer where the ball was left- right next to the basketball goal in the cul-de-sac. The mother STILL wants to file a case for it but the officer said there was no intent to steal since the ball was
  10. I don't see a plat of my property in any of my paperwork so I guess I will go check it out at the courthouse. My neighbor just said he was told too when he bought his house a couple years ago that it was an easement- county property (?). I don't want to start trouble- I just hate it that the trees are gone
  11. That makes sense now. I just hope he puts a wood fence up. Guess we will have to go to the courthouse to see what is what. Just so we know because we were told that it was no ones property- so maybe it is called a buffer and not an easement. It goes straight through the subdivision.
  12. WHAT- he won the lottery and bought that house????? The fence will help some but the trees also helped keep the back of the house cooler. I will try and find our deed.
  13. House is in Paulding County- Dallas.
  14. I have no idea. When we had ours surveyed they said our property was from our fence in and showed us where the easment was. Even if it truly is an easment there is not much we can do now. Just stinks that now we have lost all our privacy in the backyard.
  15. Who would one call to find out about property lines? We bought our house 8 years ago, had the survey and were told that there was an easment between our house and the peoples house behind ours. Someone just moved in a few months ago and yesterday and today they decided to take down 85% of the pine trees that were up against our fence (supposedly the easment). Now we can see EVERY neighbor. Just curious as to who we could call to see if that really was an easment or their property.
  16. Yes I have. So if you see a black Mitsubishi 3000 GT driving poorly please let me know!!
  17. A week ago my oldest son bought his FIRST car! He saved and saved and finally bought his first car a week ago. Since he used his money, I can only hope he will take care of it and drive safely. He received the title today so it is officially his!!
  18. I have no idea! I don't know the first thing about guitars!
  19. Yes- my 10 year old son is a guitar "freak" too. He has the ones he wants passed down to him already picked out, but for some reason he doesn't like the fender.
  20. Everything is original and no nicks, dings, etc. He takes it out once a month or so and "cleans" it although it just sits in the case. So it is well taken care of. Should be interesting to find out how much it is worth. Now I am wondering how much his other guitars are worth ! LOL.
  21. I am assuming the $200 was in bad shape. I never imagined it would be worth over $1000. Guess my husband did hence why he wants to sell it!
  22. He thought! I about dropped over when he said it to me!! He has like 10 other guitars but I know this one means alot to him. WOW! I am all for selling it now!! It is in EXCELLENT condition. Thanks for the advice- we will have to take it to them and see what they say.
  23. My husband has a 1966 Fender Mustang guitar and thought maybe it was time to sell it. How would one go about finding out how much it may be worth? Has original fender mustang case also.
  24. He is PERFECT! What an AMAZING concert. Reba was great too! I am so tired I can't think at work.
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