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Everything posted by melnsid

  1. http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/30157?from=36hr_topnav_undeclared
  2. Just saw they are forecasting SNOW on Saturday!
  3. It wasn't because people were getting crazy. Actually everyone was well behaved. Some of those items stated ALL DAY Friday (movies, games etc) so Walmart was letting people get those items before 5am. Near the end around 3:30am they decided they were wrong and rewrapped everything back up.
  4. I second that!! Best around for a reasonable price.
  5. That is the nice thing about Walmart- you can go inside out the cold and wait! Only way I survived!!
  6. Went to Walmart on Dallas Highway. Got 2 laptops for $198 each (was there by 11pm to sit and wait), 19 inch flat screen tv, Nintendo DS, desk chair, and a bunch of movies and video games!
  7. I just got back from the Walmart on Dallas Highway. Got there around 11pm for the $198 laptop. Ended up getting 2 laptops, flat screen tv, bunch of movies and video games, a Nintendo DS and a desk chair- EVERYTHING on my list!! So worth the 6 hour wait for the laptop (they only had 24 of them at the $198 price). I should go to bed but somehow can't!
  8. Dr. Vidyadhar Chitale, MD in Marietta. He performed my husbands neck surgery a few years ago. EXCELLENT doctor!! My husband just went back to him last week to see about his back (he has been in pain for years). I highly recommend him! 211 Chicopee Drive North East Marietta, GA 30060 (770) 424-2025
  9. WOW- alot sure was going on at the same time. I was driving home from the airport and passed through there around 7:30, so I guess I missed the life flight.
  10. When I went by the ambulances were not blocking the entrances. They were in the middle of the parking lot. One entrance (that I could see) had a police car at the entrance. It was the entrance off of 278 by the Burger King. And he wasn't blocking it- it looked like he was checking a car that pulled in there. I don't know when the whole thing started, so I could have been driving by after life flight landed and took off.
  11. If it was just for this man (welfare check) I don't see why they would need more then 1 ambulance. I saw at least 4 or 5 ambulances when I passed by (and they were spread out in the parking lot) and a ton of police. Just hoping all is ok.
  12. Odd- the whole thing was strange. They didn't block off Pace road, which you would think they would have. Just was odd in how the ambulances were spaced out in the parking lot. Hope the person is alright.
  13. Whatever happened looked like it happened within the parking lot. I did not see any accident on 278.
  14. Just came on here to see if anyone knew too. Went by there around 7:30ish and there were a ton of police and ambulances.
  15. Our power is on but it did flick off for a second. We heard a LOUD boom but all is well here.
  16. Yeah right- for crossing into it and only 2 tires every touched the line. Please- not worth a ticket (he wasn't passing anyone or just blowing through it). Guess the judge thought so too.
  17. Hope it heals soon. My oldest had it too and they had to put him in a cast for a few weeks for it to heal. My son was growing fast too. He is now 16 and is 6'4" size 14 shoe.
  18. Hardly the same thing. I doubt it. If that were the case why not just go straight and turn directly into the gas station? Instead he had to wait FOREVER to turn left.
  19. You are an officer? I hope you don't jump to conclusions when out doing your job. Did I ever say the laws did not apply to us? Don't think so. I was purely stating that there are times an officer can use alittle more common sense when passing out tickets.
  20. No fretten over it- just having a discussion. There seems to be people who don't read the entire post and jump to conclusions. I sure hope they think about situations before just writing tickets. He is going to court and sure wouldn't be pleading guilty. He will present his case and if in the end he fails, he will pay the fine and move on.
  21. Read the whole post(s). You took that out of content. I clearly state in my many posts that NO traffic was there and he wasn't passing anyone (since no traffic was there).
  22. We had to act normal for the boys sake (atleast the oldest). The youngest wasn't afraid at all. We put an offer on a house 2 days later and had to wait for closing before moving! I love watching Ghost Hunters now.
  23. He touched it- no traffic- he was the only car there. Maybe I didn't make that clear in the other 100 posts.
  24. You are missing the point. He was doing less then 10 mph and simply touched the lines. No way in heck that would have caused a wreck. Just keep writing the tickets, the county should be rich soon. Should one get in the lane to simply not have to wait is a reason to write them a ticket. Use common sense.
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