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Everything posted by melnsid

  1. We moved here when my youngest son was 2 and oldest was 8. We moved into a rental house in Cobb County and my oldest son refused to sleep in his room because he said he felt like someone was touching him while he was asleep. Meanwhile, the 2 year old would sit and have conversations with someone in the hallway outside of their room. I just thought he had an imaginary friend. One night I decided to sleep in their room and I was awoken by someone touching my shoulder. I rolled over thinking it was by husband but no one was there. A few months went by and the youngest would still talk to th
  2. Please tell me how a wreck could have possibly occurred from what he did? He wasn't passing people, he didn't run a stop stop or a red light or cross into the on coming lane. He wasn't texting- has NEVER even sent a text from a phone before. He doesn't even use the stupid cell phone while driving. None of that applied to THIS situation, in which I believe the officer could have issued a warning. In his 40 years of driving this is his first ticket EVER.
  3. Don't answer the question then. We all have done it. Including some of PC's finest! 278/92 is a mess. I don't get in the turn lanes until it is my time and either does my husband. He was the only car approaching the light and went into the turn lane and happened to touch the lines. That is just the most bizzare thing I have ever heard. He wasn't pulled for safety issues as there was no safety issues to be concerned with. It was a way to create revenue.
  4. Nope- would have liked to spend that money on the drivers education class we would like for him to take. But guess we will just have to put it off another month till the money is there again. So are you saying, you have never touched the solid lines before?
  5. I don't expect all laws to be in there. But for the ones that are (which are the basics) should be correct. It is written in black and white in the book- what a gore is and what traffic stripping is. So if it states one thing in the book on a gore, why is it so completely different in the Georgia Traffic Code?
  6. How in the heck can they expect people to know the rules of the road if the stupid manual they give you to study isn't correct. My son is 16 and learning how to drive- should I just tell him to forget what the book says because it isn't correct? These are in the book, so they should be correct.
  7. It covers it the drivers manual that one must study to get their license. It even shows a picture (which is EXACTLY like the intersection in question). The gore thing is in the manual too- under the expressway section.
  8. As he was sitting there waiting for the ticket, he watched 30 cars drive competely in the gore.
  9. Well said. My husband and I respect the law but the way this "incident" was handled is completely absurd. My father is former police officer and after talking with him about it, he highly recommends fighting it. To him that area is not a gore, it is traffic stripping. And then to witness what happened today outside a store with the same officer just makes us want to fight it more. And in no way am I grouping all officers in the same group. But there are some who try and take their powers to the extreme. Cobb County today- sign says NO LEFT TURN (into a gas station). Officer righ
  10. I said that this officer seems to think he is above the law. He is the same officer who decided to give someone a ticket for stopping in front of the store (he was there less then a minute). The car drove up when they saw the person they were waiting on and stopped to pick them up. The officer was stopped there to let out another officer. So why is it ok for him to do? To me is says he thinks those laws don't apply to him. Two tires crossed/touched in the "gore". He wasn't passing anyone or even riding in the lane. I will disagree with you on the area being a gore.
  11. Yep- just on the line. There was NO ONE even at the light. He just started to turn in the lane to soon. He was more fustrated at the way the officer whipped around and acted like he just committed a felony or something. He said there were cars that had to brake quickly and move over. Not if we can prove it isn't a gore (for which the ticket was written).
  12. But it is ok for the officer to stop and let out another officer. Yes some think they are above the law. He wasn't in the gore- his tires just touched the gore. Not enough to warrant the ticket. Agreed. Guess we will just have to wait and see what happens in court.
  13. Funny...for what he did, did not warrant a 143.00 ticket. Just an officer who thinks he is above the law.
  14. Then maybe they should "revise" the driving manual. Because that is not the definition they give.
  15. Nope still not a gore. Gores are white and are for two lanes MERGING. That area is called traffic stripping. According the DMVs website: Traffic Striping These markings, created by diagonal yellow lines, are on streets and highways indicating that the road is narrowing or there is an obstruction on the roadway. There is a picture of it too- EXACTLY like the intersection at E Paulding and 92. All they need to do is sit there and write tickets all day long- they would make a TON of money!!!!!
  16. Probably the same officer too!! I know how you feel and that aggravates me too. But that is not what he did (or else he would just pay the ticket and move on). He just crossed into the turn lane 5 feet to soon - no passing anyone, no nothing.
  17. We are. We are also taking pictures of the intersection, etc. Since the ticket was written and says driving through a gore and that is not a gore (according to the definition) they should throw it out. He will fight it before he gives them a dime!
  18. Exactly! When he was pulled over and the officer said gore- my husband didn't have a clue what a gore was. A warning would have been the thing to do. The way the officer stopped traffic to do a U turn and almost cause an accident, you would have thought he committed a major crime.
  19. The other day my husband was coming home from work down 92 (from Hiram to Dallas) and was going to turn left onto East Paulding Drive. As he started to enter the turn lane he must have entered it too soon as a police officer traveling the opposite way turned around and pulled him over (as he was sitting at the light). The officer told him he drove through the "gore" and gave him a ticket ($143) for "driving through gore". I guess the "gore" is the yellow strips just before the turn lane. The thing of it is, is only his two left tires were in the "gore". He wasn't passing anyone or anythin
  20. I asked that too! She said that the doctor can determine that by size and such.
  21. My co workers daughter is pregnant with twins and they are 4-5 days apart!!
  22. I did this and it found 21 objects. Did what it said, then rebooted and still is not working.
  23. THANK YOU!!! I will try that now.
  24. I did with the AVG program. It found 1 threat which it said it healed.
  25. I did what Pubby suggested, and it says can't restore to that date- nothing has changed on computer. If it is a virus, I don't have a clue where to look. I can see under the network connections that it is connected, but the page is blank when you bring up the internet (for any page you try). This is fustrating!
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