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Everything posted by melnsid

  1. My sister just was diagnosed with a blood clot in a superficial vein on Sunday. She went to the ER on Sunday because her leg (back of the knee) was swollen and KILLING her- she could barely walk. She was worried it could be a blood clot and being she had a stroke 9 years ago at the age of 28 she didn't want to risk it.
  2. I went to WalMart and am back already. Got two laptops, wireless printer, external hard drive and GPS. Off to bed now.
  3. I sent my son and nephew out to WalMart at 6:00 tonight to see about the laptops. They just started the line for them a few minutes ago. I will go take their place at midnight.
  4. So sorry this happened. My twin sister had a stroke at the age of 26. She recovered from it but it was very scary especially since she was so young.
  5. I saw the rainbow!! It was actually a double rainbow. That was probably the brighest rainbow I have ever seen! I took pics, but like you my head is KILLING me and don't feel like messing with it!
  6. I had no idea it has happened before. Which neighborhood do you live in?
  7. Mine happened more in the middle of that road. Could be the same kids though. Might have to "patrol" that area tonight at the 4 way stop since I live very close to it!
  8. Oh I was pissed alright!! Turned around quickly to go back and look but they must have been in the woods and ran.
  9. I was coming home yesterday from Publix (around 6pm) and someone threw a rock at my car. Hit the side window but thankfully didn't break it. This was on Due West between Mt Tabor and Dallas Acworth Highway.
  10. Happens at my work too!!! Annoying as crap! I have to hid my cokes in the fridge or they will be gone! When one of co-workers and I would order a pizza to share, another co-worker would sit down and start eating the pizza with us- not just one slice but 3 or 4!!!!! Never even asked or offered to put some money towards it. We don't buy it very often anymore because of this.
  11. Travis Tritt - son played baseball with his oldest son and my Sister-in-law was married to his drummer, George Stallings The Judds- sang at my sister in laws wedding (George Stallings was their drummer) Members of Whitesnake, Great White, and Bon Jovi (numberous times)- was friends with their manager Jack Wagner- had dinner with him when I was 15. Richie Zisk- former MLB baseball player (I grew up with his kids) Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20
  12. The funeral is Friday at Bellamy Funeral Home at 12pm.
  13. What makes you think that? Just assume right off the bat that they are related. Now if I had all those expensive things missing then yes I might think that. These boys could have easily taken things, but they didn't. Now we have the house secured and cameras waiting should they try it again.
  14. I am not concerned about them getting into trouble at all. I do believe they have just "lost their way" alittle and I really don't think they are dangerous. We did talk with them a month ago about it when they came in not knowing my son was home. Hoping that would help, but as of yesterday I know that it didn't. We will deadbolt the locks no matter what now. We have borrowed some equipment, so if they try again it will be caught.
  15. Hard for me to believe that someone would shot a child they knew who was unarmed instead of just calling the police. Only way I could do that is if I felt my life was in danger. In my case, I don't feel it is.
  16. I believe alot of car break ins have been in Twelve Oaks which is across from me. We had one car break-in in my subdivison (guy across the street) awhile back.
  17. Yes it is close to me. Curious to find out which subdivision she is in. I sent her a PM but haven't heard back. I will definitely keep my eyes and ears open and told both my boys to look out too. My oldest goes to EPHS.
  18. I sent you a PM. I live off of Mt Tabor also close to Due West.
  19. You are a piece of work. Do you get off on putting people down?? They didn't steal from me. If I was robbed the police would have been called.
  20. I just found all this out and was still trying to figure out which house. I just now found out which house it was- didn't even know the lady moved out since it is around the curve from me. I do know the laws- geeze. I would like to be 100% sure of everything before I went accusing people. I was hoping that one time they entered was it, but after yesterday I now know that it is not. So yes, things are being handled.
  21. I sent you a PM. Like I said, the house that is empty now is most likely the one the enter and smoke pot in. Hoping someone will rent that house soon
  22. Actually I was curious as to how many people would have called the police or set up the video cameras to catch them and then call the police. They haven't taken anything of value ($3.00 was the most). I believe they are entering to hang out for the hell of it. If I thought for one moment they were dangerous I would have called the police immediately. I did speak with someone regarding the situation and it is being handled. FOR REAL!!!
  23. My sons coach just called me to let me know about this. My youngest had played baseball with the boy who was killed. Still in shock and my prayers go out to the families.
  24. It was friend of ours who happen to be able to stop by after work. It worked. I have just spoken with someone- guess we will have to see if anything happens.
  25. Maybe that is the problem nowadays. Parents overlook the small things and as the kids get older the problems get bigger and bigger. I choose to use that situation as a learning experience for my son. You can rest assure that he has never stolen anything since. Kind of just like a kid killing a bird or cat- sooner or later they will move on to bigger things.
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