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Everything posted by melnsid

  1. We spend alot of time together- see each other almost every day. It is weird- we have never once in the last 38 years exchanged a birthday card or gift with each other. I don't know why we just never have. My mom still thinks she needs to be "equal" with the two of us. All Christmas gifts come to my house because she wants to be sure we can each see that she sent the same number of gifts- LOL. Crazy I know but that is just the way she thinks.
  2. My sister and I are identical- although we don't look identical now. We are 2 minutes apart, with me being the oldest. We have 2 older sisters too. The story goes that when my mom had us the doctor came out and told my dad congratulations, you are now the proud father of 4 girls. He fainted! The doctor just meant he had 4 girls total now!! Twins run in my family. One sister has twins (boy/girl) and there are other sets also. Just glad I didn't have any!!
  3. If she did it twice I wouldn't have to share!!! LOL. I called my sister and told her I would cut it and box up her half for her. She said "make sure they are equal"!!!! My mom's note said "Please cut in half and give to your sister" LOL
  4. My birthday is tomorrow and I received a cookie cake in the mail from my mother today. I had to laugh because the cake was for both my twin and I to share (she doesn't live with me). Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for the cake but I thought it was funny that after 38 years we still are treated as one person!! So now I have to cut the cake in half and deliver it to my sister. Gotta love being a twin!!
  5. Hope you feel better soon!
  6. I heard Mods don't have control over the memberships, only Pubby. I PM Pubby last night, he read the PM but I haven't received a reply yet.
  7. A week is WAY TO LONG to wait after you paid.
  8. I have been waiting for over 24 hours now for mine to turn red! Hope yours doesn't take that long!
  9. I did that yesterday but he hasn't replied yet.
  10. Well it was fixed and now I am back to being a member. Can someone please explain? I paid for a 6 month membership instantly through PayPal.
  11. Yesterday through Paypal- instant payment.
  12. How long does it usually take for them (P.com) to "update" your membership status after you pay for it?
  13. I came through as they were loading up the vehicles onto the tow trucks. It was a mini van blue in color I believe. It was dark so not 100% sure. Also a gray or silver pickup truck. From the looks of it, the van must of hit the passenger side of the truck. Looked pretty bad.
  14. That is what I use. I think it is worth the $20 a month. There are many free sites like familysearch.org, myhertige.com, findagrave.com etc. that I use also.
  15. I am so addicted to finding everything out. I have been researching and researching and my desk and walls are FULL of sticky notes This is the relationship for me : My great grandfather (8 times) Arnold Custer had a son Nicholas Custer. Nicholas had a son Emanuel. Emanuel had a son John Custer. John had a son Emanuel Henry. Emanuel Henry is the father of General Custer. Thanks for all the links. My parents always took us on trips to see those things but I was a teenager and wasn't really interested in it. I always knew there was a connection and finally made the time to r
  16. I started doing my family tree because I knew I was related somehow to General George Armstrong Custer. Custer is my mothers side of the family. After MANY MANY MANY hours of research I finally figured it out. I am a 4th cousin, 5x removed of General Custer. Just thought it was neat.
  17. My son told me about this a year or so ago. I can't remember how a blue waffle was brought up but he warned me to not Google it. Of course I did and could not believe what I saw.
  18. You should be able to do the sharing thing (family share). I know I have my library on my computer and both my boys can access it from their computers.
  19. Does anyone know the name of the new park that is suppose to open next week near North Paulding High School?
  20. I have dealt with anxiety/panic attacks for 18 years now. I can tell you that the symptoms vary from one attack to the next. But every time I swear I am dying. For the last 5 years I have learned how to "control" an attack. I will just sit and close my eyes and take very deep breaths and concentrate on something "good". Seems to help me ALOT and I have managed to stay away from medicine to help control them. They can be VERY scary. Edited to add: When I get them and I am by myself, I usually call my husband and he talks to me until it passes. It helps ALOT by getting your mind off
  21. Marotti Auto Repair is the best!!!! You won't find better people then them!!!!
  22. My son and I were laughing so hard when that came on!
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