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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. No, I don't believe that, although it is true that many people's views and actions are shaped by their upbringing. No. That is faulty use of probability. You're giving the supposition that more guns will stop the bad guy. That may or may not be true. What is certainly true is that more guns mean the probability of more innocent people getting hurt by stray bullets increases. The math on that is very easy.
  2. And increase the chances of more people getting hurt while you're trying to "defend" yourself. Yes. It's called probability. No guns in a crowd = zero chances of a gun hurting anyone. A gun in the crowd = chance of someone getting hurt by accident or purpose. More guns = more chances of someone getting hurt.
  3. Do you have evidence to support that most people who break into homes are armed? Most people who break into homes are there to steal, not harm anyone, I think. Most home burglaries happen when people are not at home anyway. Besides, having a gun in your home is not the same argument has carrying guns in public places where the probability of innocent people getting hurt increases when more guns are there, legal or not.
  4. Why are you still trying to explain it? They won't accept it. If it doesn't fit with what they want it to be, they just deny it, then try to find some nut job on Fox News to say what they want to hear. Never mind the man behind the curtain.
  5. Doncha know that newbie will get trashed, thrashed and splashed with all sorts of epitaphs.
  6. It's all the other people you don't know who are carrying you should be afraid of. They think the same scarey thoughts about you and your gun, too.
  7. I want you to provide a link that supports your assertion that the reason the crime rate is because of the law that requires every homeowner to own a gun. That cannot be proven. It is also true that the education percentage of citizens of Kennesaw are much higher than the same percentage in Atlanta. We could show race, income, job opportunities, poverty, social facilities and many other things that would go into the reason why the crime rate is lower. The crime rate in Paulding is lower than in Atlanta too and we don't have the same law as in Kennesaw. Saying it doesn't make it so. Cause
  8. I'm just not going to say anything else. People are going to believe what they want to believe. Politics makes people say and do some really asinine things.
  9. This is totally crazy. Guns in schools and guns in airports and guns everywhere. If guns stopped the crime, there wouldn't have been any crime on the wild west frontier. People looking to be a Rambo are going to get more people killed.
  10. The Student/School Performance Committee in Louisiana voted to approve biology textbooks that teach about evolution. The vote rejected attempts by conservatives to add references to the debate about creationism or intelligent design. My Link The Louisiana Coalition for Science released a statement saying students of Louisiana won:
  11. It's a creationist theme park, saying evolution is bunk.
  12. The HOPE is not covered by general revenues but is Constitutionally protected and is funded my the Lottery, money which cannot be used for other things. Cutting the Pre-K only hurts our efforts to educate even more. Look, we have to have revenue to pay for the things the state is obligated to do. The money doesn't come out of thin air, so we have to raise taxes to pay for the basic services we have said civilized society should do.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knp9-GY6fHE
  14. http://www.publicbroadcasting.net/wabe/news.newsmain/article/5/0/1726838/Business/Economic.Forecast.A.100.Chance.of.Abnormal
  15. It will go up even more over the next 8 months, according to the experts I've read. That don't mean economy is not getting better, tho.
  16. More jobs are opening up. That means things are looking better on the job front. Still will take years but things are certainly getting better. No political party can claim the good or the bad for any of it, but things are getting better. Thank god. My Link
  17. Walmart is accused of paying women less, and promoting women less, than its male employees. That could mean back pay for 500,000 to 1.5 million current and former female employees. If Walmart loses this final appeal, it could mean serious loss to Walmart's bottom line, but an About Damn Time for equal rights. My link
  18. Looks like yoga had it right a long time ago. Those deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques are nature's way to ridding the body of stress. But I still prefer a glass of wine with that. My Link
  19. Not the politics of Morrison. It was the politics of the politician who didn't like his hippie ways and hippie thinking.
  20. Ne research says vitamin D we need more than the current stated requirement, but much less than the commercials say we do. My Link
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