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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. It has to do with money. Since minorities are overwhelmingly in the lower incomes, they are sentenced to much harsher terms, particularly drug crimes.
  2. One Tea Party candidate for commissioner this time said Paulding should cut the hours back on the libraries, if not close a few to save money. Here's just one link in Jax, FLA. BTW, the school budget is completely separate from the county budget where the libraries are funded.
  3. You are way over reacting to my statement. I simply said I don't know what it means. It might mean Marines are more homophobic; maybe not. It might mean that the Marine system forces that way of thinking into the personnel; or maybe not. Or it might just mean the Marines are generally not as educated as other branches of the service, though I doubt that. Maybe it just means more Marines just don't want gays. I have no idea what it means. What it does mean is that the Corps is not as supportive of gays in the military as the other branches. That's all I know for sure. http://www.youtube.com
  4. No. I mean like the black, late teen male, with a blue collar job, little money and no way to hire a defense lawyer of any caliber. A no-name person with little "promise" in the future who is given a public defender with little time to spend on the case but will plead it out to move the overwhelmed system along. Time for possession and probation. Compare that to a white teenager in college with family to hire a competent lawyer who can deal for community service and little else.
  5. But the statistics are that whites tend to not get jail time and minorities do. Lots of it, too.
  6. There is no medical evidence that pot causes brain damage.
  7. You don't think there is a disparity in the sentencing of drug offenses among whites verses minorities? I'm sure you understand exaggeration.
  8. It's coming. Many Tea Partiers have already been calling for the closing of libraries.
  9. New survey of the military says gays serving are not a problem, contrary to what the top brass and conservative-to-Hawkish mouthpieces have been saying. My Link. The exception to no problems with gays serving were theMarines and the current military top brass, which could mean the military leadership is just out of touch with the troops. Or maybe it is not saying that. Not sure what it says about Marines.
  10. If he were black or Hispanic, he would have been sentenced within 24 hours to 3-5 years. Just saying.
  11. Tour bus pulled up to a checkpoint and the officer smelled pot at 9AM. The bus is searched and - sure enough - they find 6 oz. My Link
  12. She claimed it. Why didn't I think of this? My Link
  13. In a year with a weak El Nino that gave way to a La Nina cooling event, scientists expected a cool year. It wasn't. 2010 turned out of the warmest years on record. My Link
  14. I've decided to send Christmas cards out this year, if for no other reason than to make our family and friends wonder why.
  15. When many of 'em find out what "none" means, they quit.
  16. Who said anything about not defending ourselves? As I said many times in the thread, there can be moral justification but there is no Biblical "Just War." Morality and the Bible are two different things. Then we come to the question of defending ourselves, but what if we were the ones who were wrong? Were the Indians right in attacking villages of settlers? Were the indigenous peoples of what is now Latin America right for the slaughter of Christian missionaries? Were the uprisings in the African continent against the white employees of companies who were exploiting the resources and people ju
  17. This thread shows that anyone can claim their god is on their side to justify anything, including killing other people. We can justify some wars on moral grounds, but I think god should be in charge of killing people in his name. We should not dare go down that road.
  18. A woman was very distraught over the fact that she had not had a date or any sex for over 5 years. She was afraid she might have something wrong with her, so she decided to seek the medical expertise of the well known Chinese Sex Therapist, Dr. Chang. Upon entering the examination room, Dr. Chang said, "OK, take off all your crose." The woman did as she was told. "Now, get down and craw reery, reery fass to odderside of room." Again the woman did as she was instructed. Dr. Chang then said, "OK, now craw reery, reery fass back to me." As she did, Dr. Chang shook hi
  19. I did give you an answer. Floyd has done this for a long time. Many other services do the same. When you post I knew Clark was in trouble but had not heard they are not working anymore. Did I miss the announcement? that is doing nothing but starting rumors. If you wanted to ask the question, then ask the question. No need in the rest except that someone needs drama.
  20. I'm sorry but maybe you just skipped over the part where I said outside of direct communication with God and His miracles to prove his Will. So unless you've got someone who has direct communication with god and will then go to Congress and convince them god told him or her that the war was necessary, then I suggest you back off that statement. You are quoting from the Old Testament where Israel had a form of government that was ruled by priests and a direct-God-chosen religious leader. We don't have those today. Also, the verses you are quoting are for Israel and I don't think the Bible says
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