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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. The governor of FL is considering a pardon to the Doors lead singer, Jim Morrison, for his charge of public indecency during a FL concert. Since Morrison died in a Paris hotel room not long after being charged, the case went nowhere. Now, FL may just pardon Morrison since new looks at the evidence says the charges may have been due to Morrison's political views, and there is a question as to whether he really did anything at all. My Link
  2. The Kia plant near LaGrange has been a boon to the economy around LaGrange and the people there are feeling good again. My Link
  3. With more Americans believing the fantasy that global warming is a myth, scientists are trying to figure out a way to restate the facts more convincingly. My Link
  4. I don't understand all the ins and outs of this but it looks like there is not going to be any NFL in 2012. My Link
  5. That is a lot of money for a game player. But he is really cute so maybe he is worth it after all. My Link
  6. Just golly gee whizlickers. This is quite a mesh of stars/has-beens. Neat video. You Tube says it is an advertisement for a Norwegian television program. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8cNHCP3juQ
  7. The doctors have not followed through on that threat yet. They might but I doubt it. Maybe the doctors were just saying that to push their politics a bit? My Link
  8. China is preparing mass transit systems for the next century. They just did a test and the passenger train from Beijing to Shanghai topped 300 mph. And we can't even get bike lanes on our roads, or get a regional transit system with trains and buses to get most people to their place of employment. My Link
  9. Too many homes for sale. That means too much inventory. The free market means that too much supply pushes prices down. So all those houses that were built and still not sold and all those houses people were flipping and got caught holding have hurt us. Couple that with the foreclosers and the free market is going to take a while to fix. Another year. Builders and developers and "Flip This House" and all that mortgage origination just pushed things higher and higher. Free market works both up and down. My link.
  10. The Illinois legislature yesterday gave final approval to the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act that clears the way for civil unions in the state. The statute provides for the state to license civil unions between either same-sex or opposite-sex couples and confirms that "a party to a civil union is entitled to the same legal obligations, responsibilities, protections, and benefits as are afforded or recognized by the law of Illinois to spouses...." My Link
  11. Didn't we already know that unemployment would go up into 2011? I remember the report earlier in the year saying that is what they expected. I can't find the link right now but I know I read that. I think GoBlue had it right because things were really bad and that means we had a long way to go just to get it stabilized.
  12. Looks like things are going much better than the gloom and doomers were predicting. Wonder who will take credit for this? My link.
  13. Talk to your lawyer. That's their job to tell you all that stuff.
  14. Maybe it is because those threads were about a robbery and had nothing to do with promoting the food. But what do I know.
  15. Glad to help on that one! I don't want to limit free speech either. I just don't see where companies are given the same rights as people in the Constitution.
  16. If a company is mart enough to almost corner the market on seeds and food production, that is the company I want to make sure is putting money into a presidential campaign, a few judges and lots of Congresspeople. Really I do.
  17. That's covered in the LISTEN link. At least it was on the radio.
  18. Now I know why gold is valuable over other elements. Simple chemistry. Neat article. My Link (click on the LISTEN tab. it is better to hear this one than to read it.)
  19. These rules make sense to improve highway safety over time, just like the mandates to improve fuel efficiency.
  20. I used it when I was doing jazzercise but I don't know if the weight loss was due to the diet or the sweating. I still do the jazzercise (Go CARIN!) and have kept the weight off. So go figure.
  21. Idiot. Complete idiot. On a good day, no less.
  22. Where do we park? Last year we barely got a spot but we had to walk a long way to the downtown area.
  23. Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona has won the latest lawsuit and will begin playing Christmas music music over speakers in his county jail for 12 hours a day. Songs like "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", Frosty the Snowman" and "Feliz Navidad" began today after sheriff won his sixth lawsuit (most recent in December 2009)in which inmates challenged the practice as a violation of their civil rights and as cruel and unusual punishment. That means 8000 inmates will hearculturally diverse and multi-ethnic holiday music all day during the holiday season. Apparently they can avoid the music only by rema
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