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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. As an American citizen, everyone has access to the court system or any other public entity. The Constitution guarantees all citizens the same access, protection and due process. The organization is suing on behalf of parents / minors who believe Hooters is violating the law and harming minors. The courts handle things like this.
  2. Scares me to death. I don't mind writing but speaking to even a few people gives scares me to death.
  3. European wines have already adopted a standard to measure the carbon output per glass of wine. Other nations, like Chile, are beginning to follow suit. Before long, all wines will carry a label so the consumer will know how much the wine is contributing to climate change. Great idea. My Link.
  4. $1 BILLION worth of a sports complex. Dang. My Link
  5. That's right. That's why I said the CA law may need to be re-written if it is found Hooters is in violation. It's not a big deal but the laws are in place to protect everybody. This is why there is a court system and lawsuits happen. We may not like it, but the law has to be applied to everyone the same way.
  6. That's what they are claiming. The CA law they are claiming could be interpretted as applying Hooters as an "adult entertainment" establishment, especially since Hooters uses that exemption to get around hiring practices. So the argument is that if Hooters uses the classification "adult entertainment" to get around hiring discrimination laws, then they must use that same classification for the patrons that come into the establishments, and that means minors are not allowed in places of adult entertainment. Not saying I agree or disagree but that is their argument.
  7. Oh, no. That would prevent anyone from standing up for their rights because they couldn't afford to lose AND pay for the other lawyer fees too. That would be too big a chance. What about the guy who sued Ford over the intermittent wipers Ford stole from him? What about Surepip? If we make the chance too great, companies or government with big purses can just run up the legal bill until the chance of losing / cost is just too great.
  8. They have the right to sue. It's part of the Constitution. I wouldn't want my kids working at Hooters. It's somebody's daughter. If the law needs to be re-written then it needs to be re-written to allow minors in a Hooters. If not and the restaurant successfully defends itself, fine. That's why we have a court system.
  9. I'm sure they will make an informed decision about openings tomorrow morning, based on the best information they have and what is in the best interest of everyone. Speculating on it now is really pointless. The weather will be what it is in the morning and we will all find out then. Can we all just have a drink and don't worry about it?
  10. At confession one day, a Notre Dame football player told the priest that he had acted in an unsportsmanlike manner at a recent football game. "I lost my temper and said some bad words to one of my opponents." "Ahhh, that's a terrible thing for a Notre Dame lad to be doin'," the priest said. He took a piece of chalk and drew a mark across the sleeve of his coat. "That's not all, Father. I got mad and punched one of my opponents." "Saints preserve us!" the priest said, making another chalk mark. "There's more. As I got out of a pileup, I kicked two of the other team's players in
  11. This is the craziest thing I've heard in a while. Remember that psycho Muslim lady who got her butt hauled off to jail in Douglasville a few years ago for not removing the headscarf? Well, now she is suing. If we can't see you, we don't know who you are, can't even get a look at the facial expression to see if there might be some lying, or even know what might be hidden under that veil! Silly lawsuits! She never should have been allowed in the court room to begin with. My Link
  12. Except for the opera on Saturday afternoons, WABE (90.1) is about all I listen to. There is another NPR station on Rome (97.7) but it is not easy to pick up, for some reason. Morning Edition news (5AM - 9AM) is good but the afternoon news programs from 3PM - 8PM are amazing, in depth and well balanced. Love me some NPR!
  13. Yeah. The Fascists in Germany told those Jews who didn't like the way things were to leave too. Come on. People have the right to complain about their nation and what it is doing and they should not be told to leave just because they disagree with the decisions. Telling someone to leave is as un-American as you can get.
  14. That's what the article is about as states are doing away with programs of the medicare funds.
  15. I'm guessing there are fewer there due to drug use than there are due to congenital defects, debilitating diseases, strokes at young ages and accidents.
  16. I don't understand. I'm not complaining at all. Not at all. I'm making the observation that the population of nursing homes are getting younger and that there will be more and more people in these facilities as the people get older. I'm not complaining about that at all. The article is saying that many states are cutting their budgets for home care, even though it is cheaper than skilled facility care.
  17. That's what the article was about, that the state already pays for the nursing home but no thte home care due to budget cuts, even though it is cheaper for the home care. Listen to the broadcast. It is short but really good.
  18. The latest numbers say that people between 31-64 are going into nursing homes faster than the elderly. This is scarey. The numbers of people going into nursing homes will only grow as the baby boomers age. What will we do when entitlements have to pay for this care? My Link
  19. As I understand it, the city of Dallas had nothing to do with it but it was put on by the downtown merchants. I could be wrong but I think that is what they said tonight. My kids LOVED the animals!
  20. I am taking my kiddies and meeting my husband there in about an hour. It's going to be COLD! Any places to eat or will we have to drive to Hiram?
  21. Here is the full textof his remarks at the lighting of the national tree.
  22. Terry Nichols sued so he could get high-fiber diet to fit his religious beliefs. He lost. Guess he will have to eat pop tarts and oranges like all other inmates. My Link
  23. If it works and will save money and if everyone bought just one, it might be worthwhile. My link
  24. No clue how the science works but this is fascinating. My Link
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