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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. It is not inflation protected. Inflation doesn't automatically push up commodity prices. You buy gold / silver at retail prices and have to sell at wholesale prices. That means you have to make a 20% profit just to break even (10% on each side of the transaction and then the shipping costs of the trade). Never buy the hard stuff but do it passively when buying these and never the single metal but a basket that does all commodities. Then less than 4% of the total money. That's what I've been taught and that is what the lady at the investment house I use told me and my mother when my
  2. In 2006 I had a problem with the school where my daughter attended. That is why I got on here in the first place. I got downsized last year and now we're a one income family so I have more time now for all kinds of things, and this place is one of those.
  3. That's not what I've been taught but to each his own.
  4. I didn't know you were an expert so I will cede to you on this. It's not "clan" but Klan, BTW.
  5. Why would anyone want to do this?
  6. The BEST place for this is the place on the Square in Dallas. DAVIS AND COMPANY SALON. My dear husband LOVES them! They will do the whole treatment you're talking about!
  7. Baldness is not a disease. It is who he is just like the color of his eyes. It's something he will have to learn to live with. Shaving it and going bald is not a bad idea.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mArGzsNglCU
  9. This should do it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sap2hfA-pHg
  10. Glee music on iTunes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxeZDK_0FnE
  11. That's your opinion but each state has the right to decide if this sick behavior would also be criminal this since it is not a federal issue.
  12. My Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOLxRrlU7Qg&feature=player_embedded
  13. It is listed on the report who writes them just like all reports.
  14. As long as they have to show that an increase is justified and not used as an excuse to gouge the consumer. Doesn't the consumer deserve to know, especially since most people have health insurance through their employer and have little option? This will force competition among the companies and they will have to play on the level field. The company. They have to show the increase in cost and the increase in premium. Doesn't the consumer deserve the right to know?
  15. The public will have the chance to see it if it has to be disclosed. And there are no death panels either.
  16. Just to make sure we're on the same page, this doesn't give the Federal government the ability to direct premiums. It does require the companies to detail what the rate hike is and why the company needs it. The government is not "getting involved" with it. The rate hikes have to be shown and explained so the companies cannot raise rates above what is needed to cover the normal cost and use excuses. They have to show the numbers.
  17. Maybe the malaise is finally over and we can all participate in the growing economy. My Link
  18. The article didn't say anything about the insurance companies becoming regulated like the utility companies or set prices or in any way get into the free market. The article even said those things cannot happen. It's only nine paragraphs and some of those are single sentences. 2 minutes. Tops.
  19. The Federal government is proposing that rate hikes of more than 10% have to be publically disclosed and the rational for the increase has to be shown too. This should prevent stuff like Wellpoint's 40% proposed increase that they eventually scaled back. Maybe now insurance companies will have to start showing where the real costs are instead of playing the blame game. My Link
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