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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Elton John and his husband David Furnish have adopted a 7-pound, 15-ounce baby boy born on Christmas Day. My Link
  2. Those software gizmos have been tracking you and the companies (who always do the right thing) have been selling that information to third paty advertisers without consent. My Link
  3. The Cato Institute? That's not exactly an unbiased source for the economic commentary. I agree with it, but come on.
  4. Some people are just mean and need to be locked up. Put him in prison for life. He will be beat up often if he tries to be a thug in there. And he will have to live with what goes on in there for life. It's not a pretty picture in prison.
  5. But we don't use prior convictions for the current charge unless there is a reason to. Each crime is based on its own merits. maybe he does deserve the death penalty but do we want to spend that much money when leaving him jail for life costs much less and he has to be reminded for the rest of his days about it?
  6. I am so sorry. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} Get real. People make mistakes every day. Maybe they made a mistake. Maybe the other person made the mistake. WHo cares? It is not your place to rule another's life. Busybodies.
  7. Civil servants have immunity from things incidental to the performance of their official duties. The governor can pardon or not and no one can do a thing about it. The jury found him guilty based on bad science. The jury can't be sued. The prosecutor did his job like he is supposed to based on the evidence. But they have and do get it wrong. All the time. 135+ people have been released from death row since 1973. Newer science comes into play all the time. So we just kill 'em and let God sort 'em out, right? Thank god the founding fathers didn't take that mantra.
  8. The doctor doesn't have time to spend doing this sort of counseling. That is the function of other professionals. The doctor's specialty is medical treatment. Taking him away from treatment to do counseling is a waste of utility. This is why other professionals do this sort of counseling and many practices today have these sort of people on staff. Saying the doctor is going to do it is not the way it works. The doctor's practice may do it utilizing a team of professionals, but the medical doctor will be just one of many.
  9. Innocent people can be released from prison. Guilty people can't be brought back to life. What about that is so hard? You can't. Might want to rethink what you're beliefs are. That's not the way the legal or justice system works. Informed ideas.
  10. You are assuming they are guilty. The point is that we know many who were put on death row were innocent. We know innocent people have been executed. You are now saying innocent people who happen to be on death row are pieces of crap and want to execute them because we have them, not because we have the right person. I sure how you are never falsely accused of a crime.
  11. And you are sure it is going to be slanted, how? Government is not involved. This is about informed choice. So let me see if I understand this. You don't want informed counseling. You don't want the government to mandate counseling before any sort of procedure is done. Am I saying that right?
  12. It takes years to get unemployment down. Unemployment is a backwards looking number. This 10% number shows how bad it was in December 2009, not today. My Link
  13. I would suggest the same. To you. But that is not the point here. The point is the new rules are taking effect January 1 and people need to make sure their aged loved ones utilize it.
  14. But those companies are making money. That's a good thing. Companies always do the right thing. They create jobs. They need to be able to influence elections. Can you imagine companies using the political process to help send more jobs overseas where they can make even more money?
  15. But we can release from prison someone wrongly convicted. Can't bring them back to life if we find out we're wrong. That's what I tried to say and didn't do it very well.
  16. Higher gas prices will force people to be more economical and force us to develop more and better alternatives. Didn't we have a major disaster drilling in the Gulf last year? Is that a chance we want to increase?
  17. Where did you get the idea that the family has legal recourse? That's what I asked. There is no legal recourse. Where in the world did you get that idea?
  18. There is no legal recourse. Where in the world did you get that idea?
  19. I know. You don't believe it. You hate Obama. I get that too. Health insurance premiums have been going up for 20 years. I'm sorry you don't get that.
  20. No. It is not the reason. Here's a link that says insurance cost increases are not the fault of National Health Care. My Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOLxRrlU7Qg&feature=player_embedded
  21. No. You're the one making stuff up here. ELC is more than a medical visit and you're not getting a free pass on this. That's what the new rules cover. If you don't want the option, fine. Others do.
  22. And the government said the foreign owned banks couldn't play without our rules in place. That's a regulatory matter.
  23. Pedophilia is wrong not just because it is immoral but because it harms a defenseless child. That is just wrong as beating a child. All those others - well, I disagree with you. The only reason they are on the books is because they were religious. That's my view.
  24. OMG. End of Life Care IS hospice, dietitians and geriatric specialists. All of that is part of the ELC. BS. What options are being removed from you?
  25. But many do. Mine does. I've never had one that doesn't. And that is the sort of care the new Medicare rules will cover.
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