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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. After 10 years, the convicted murderer of Chandra Levy was sentenced to 60 years. Finally this case is settled. My Link
  2. I know of people that have been looking for any job and can't find one. It's really bad out there.
  3. I first came on to air a complaint about my daughter and the school a few years ago. Then I forgot all about it. After my hours got cut back, I started posting more. Then came the Big Lay Off and so now I have time to engage the conversation in between taking care of my two little ones. Of course I shake my head often when I read what's on here now.
  4. Texas Road House! It's a start on the bill, anyway.
  5. A few weeks after the OH Supreme Court urged the halt of the death penalty, 10 Catholic Bishops signed on saying the death penalty needs to go. The high cost of death penalty cases has caused the state's legislature to seriously debate the issue as a cost savings, too. My Link
  6. My little ones LOVE this game! After 2011, Guitar Hero is no more. Sad. My Link
  7. Was there a Tea Party meeting there tonight?
  8. Because it looks like Sunday alcohol sales will be allowed by the legislature's action and the governor's signature, the GA Christian Coalition has decided to use a new tactic to stop those sales. The new plan is work on the local governments to stop them from passing the ordinances since those local communities will be more vulnerable to political and religious opposition. My Link
  9. I have had some dogs I prefer over many people. No names mentioned in fear of offending.
  10. Parents should stay out of it. It is the students who have to be responsible and say something if it is needed. Sounds like a major mis-understanding OR there is more to the story than is being told to someone/by someone. This is not high school. It's college. The students there are adults and it is time they are treated like adults. Parents should not be in it. Just my opinion.
  11. No, it's not. Nationalization is much more and you know it, especially since the government is not controlling what the companies do. There are some restrictions, of course, but it is nowhere near control. Spin. Spin. Spin.
  12. Just because there is a bit of difference in the way the national anthem is presented, doesn't mean there is any disrespect.
  13. And most economists don't consider it nationalization. Nice spin, though.
  14. No problem, Sweetie. I have this thread bookmarked and will remind you of it. Kinda like you said the banks would be nationalized- what a prediction that turned out to be. ( The search feature is an amazing instrument!)
  15. The weather may be the cause of my knee pain? And I thought it was just the fact that I was sober the last two days. <I am just joking!>
  16. Now here's a story I had never considered. We know that little girls have that stereo-type of cute dresses and not getting all dirty, while we say "boys will be boys" and we expect them to get dirty. Some research now is saying that all that cleanliness we insist upon for little girls might be making them more sick as adults. My Link
  17. I don't think I want to make any more grocery store runs.
  18. Two of my uncles are on strict doctor's orders to drink one beer a day to keep the kidneys flushed just for this reason.
  19. Al Jazeera was a great news source during the rioting in Tunisia and now Egypt. And the reporters were attacked for continuously broadcasting, long after the Western news sources were squelched. If you want to get a news source from the Middle East that really gets to the meat of the news there, here's a way to get it on-line. My Link to Story about Al Jazeera as a News Source LinkTV.org to view the news
  20. You didn't read the article either, did you?
  21. Sugar, I know the difference. The article even mentioned that. If you would have taken just a few minutes to listen to the full report you would have realized that, too. So you are predicting stagflation. Ok. We'll see.
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