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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I just realized I misspelled "seen" and used "seem" instead. Typo.
  2. Wasn't meant to be "snotty." Just making the observation that I've not seen any of my friends on Facebook make that mistake. I simply had not seem that error of word choice.
  3. Good Lord. I used proper grammar and get negatives? And we wonder why the nation is as it is. If you say so. The best doctors have a waiting list because they are the best. But to each their own idea.
  4. But you should use the feminine form when speaking of a generalized person.
  5. You're right. "That" refers to a non-person. "Who" would refer to a person. That's what I get for getting in a hurry ... and having 2 glasses of wine over the last hour.
  6. I've never seen any of my friends say that but I'm sure there are some out there that don't know the difference.
  7. The good doctors who have been around a while will have a wait to see them because they are good and have a large practice. If it is a sudden sickness, that is why the Urgent Care Centers exist. Changing doctors because she is successful is silly, IMHO.
  8. Skinny is relative to what I am now.
  9. I wish I was as skinny as she is. And could sing half as good, too.
  10. From what I had seen so far, the girls are weak. And the guys have some HOTTIES in the group.
  11. I think the law has already defined "abuse." You can look that up on your own as playing the "definition" game is not what the case is about.
  12. I find the "liberal" label quite ironic since the source you're citing is the Huffington Post, which is THE liberal website. Quite ironic. You're taking the position of the Huffington Post, but you label me the liberal. There is something wrong with this picture.
  13. And that would be an overstepping of authority and a lawsuit plus a lot of people getting fired for that. There are safeguards in place to protect that extremism, but what safeguards are there to protect the abused child?
  14. As if "liberal" is a label that makes me automatically wrong? Such a weak argument. Sorry you were abused but other kids are abused too, and I'm sorry you can't see past your own toes to understand the actual issue. You really need to understand the LEGAL issue and not the ideology, an ideology that has the same result of telling abused kids to not report the abuse. THAT is the issue. The issue is not the parental right but what happens to abused kids if we ALLOW parents to be notified in present during the interview. Really. Please. READ and understand the ISSUE instead of parroting a
  15. It has to do with the government protecting an abused child at the hands of an evil parent, plain and simple. It doesn't take a village to raise a child but it does take a legal system that protects the children from abuse AND intimidation. The abused child didn't ask to be abused and they don't deserve it. It's really that simple.
  16. And once the school was made aware of the problem with the bruising, there wouldn't be a problem any further. This is not a "liberal" or "conservative" issue. It has nothing to do with politics. It has to do with the competing interests between an abused child being protected and an un-abused child be questioned. We weigh the issues. Which is the greater value? Do we protect the abused child at the expense of questioning children without the parents present? Or do we question un-abused kids without parental knowledge, because we know that an abused child will most likely not tell the truth
  17. That's not true. Bruised knees on kids happen all the time. Continued and profound bruising may cause some concern by a teacher who may ask, but if the child gives no indication of a problem, there would be no continuation. The parents who abuse a child could be told about the questioning before it happens and threaten the child if she tells. Or, the abusing parents could tell the child that if she told, they would harm the younger children. What is the greater value or danger? I can tell you didn't understand what you were reading. That is EXACTLY what the case is about .
  18. We need less government regulation, not more. We need to get rid of the CDC and the inspectors for all food and health care professionals too. And forget any inspection of cruise ships or aircraft as that should be the function of the private sector. Seat belts and restraint systems for children shouldn't be a government concern.
  19. I see. So the abused child knows that if she reports it, she will be questioned about it in the presence of the abusing parent. Sorry, I don't agree with that.
  20. I disagree. The last thing we want is for an abused child to want to talk to someone and the parent have to be notified, not allow the child to talk or, worse yet, is have the parent present at the meeting. The child would be completely intimidated with a parent in the room and would not be free to disclose any abuse that is happening. There are sufficient safe guards with questioning by authorities, though sometimes the state goes overboard (as they do with everything). However, we have to give every opportunity for the child to tell the authorities of the abuse and not be intimidated by
  21. Love this show. That is comes on after Idol is a plus for viewership but it is really good!
  22. I'll just post the story and you all can read this one. My Link
  23. There is something just not right about this, but breast milk ice cream is going for around US equivalent of $22.50 per batch. The ice cream came from the breast milk of women screened "in line with hospital/blood donor requirements." My Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_n1zoU8G_M&feature=player_embedded
  24. The part of the brain that involves memory gets smaller with age but studies show that aerobic exercise actually grows that region of the brain. Time to start walking! My Link
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