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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. You're obviously as ignorant as she is. She doesn't know how it works and you don't either, apparently. When she says Christianity can't enter the doors of the school, that is IGNORANT. FCA. There are Bible study groups. There are student prayer groups. See You At the Pole. For someone to say that Christianity can't enter the door is ignorant. It has nothing to do with a different opinion but with facts. I think all religions should be taught in school, whatever the predominate religion is in any area. Since it is obviously Protestant here in our county, then it should be from a P
  2. This is the most stupid statement ever made on paulding.com ever. The three great religions are taught as academic subjects to all students and no religion is said to be better or worse than the others. YOUR politics and YOUR religion is not the same as that of everyone else and it is COMPLETELY IGNORANT to have the view that Christianity can't enter the door there any longer. You won't be happy until your version is taught as the only version. There. Someone had to call you on the ignorance.
  3. Have you tried the new Snickers Peanut Butter? YUMMY
  4. I always take the kids but DH refuses to go because he hates those craft things. The food is always good!
  5. Sometimes I think the Reeces being orange and brown packaging is just for Halloween!
  6. DH said he is hoping this is the end of grass cutting season. The rain may prolong it for another month.
  7. And it is not just to tick us all off! Apparently, consumers want to see Halloween stuff and buy it early and often. My Link
  8. That's what I was thinking too. Or a Saints fan. Same difference.
  9. What a terrible ordeal for this little girl! My heart just breaks for her and I have no sympathy for the scumbag who did this to her. He is not a father but a monster. My Link
  10. Is that finally some relief in site? Looks like RAIN for the first part of next week. YAY! My Link
  11. Since the 1990s there has been a 10% drop in prescriptions for antibiotics for kids under the age of 14. Maybe the overuse has finally stopped. My Link
  12. Halliburton claims BP tried to cover up BP's errors that led to the oil rig explosion that resulted in the humongous oil spill last year in the Gulf. Imagine two titan companies suing each other over blame of this magnitude. Some lawyers will be retiring after this case is over. My Link
  13. While we would never think of it as normal here in this day and age, hitchhiking is what most women do in Cuba, even for daily commute. My Link
  14. I spent a delightful few minutes tonight on the way to the grocery store listening to a 1989 Fresh Air interview with Julia Child. Wonderful hearing her voice again. And I remember the incident with the food that she flipped onto the stove and put it back in the pan! I saw that episode! Audio Link My Link
  15. Zach, I'm sure you want to be a friend and think that this is just so hard on them but the fact is they committed crimes. The crimes really hurt people. Maybe they didn't hurt people physically but they harmed people financially in many ways. These are not "kids." They are more than old enough to know better. They didn't make "a mistake" but committed crimes, crimes that I and my husband told our children were wrong from the time they were old enough to hear my voice. They don't need empathy. They need a swift kick in the ass and some good, old-fashioned punishment. People are fed up with this
  16. We so need the rain! While I don't want any destruction and the gods know we need the rain, TX probably needs it more than we do.
  17. OIC. I thought the poster was saying that the news hadn't said anything about NC and was just about the New England States. My bad.
  18. I don't know what news you're listening to, but I've heard a lot about the damage. My Link1 My Link 2 My Link 3 My Link 4 My Link 5 My Link 6 My Link 7
  19. Then you will need to further explain the highlited statement you made below. What standard has he preached that he is not holding up his end? If you think that someone's title or place in the community doesn't play a part in court you are living in OZ. As far as my opinion, it's like another part of mine and your anatomy and many others, just showing it. These people preach a standard that they hold society to every day, so when they don't hold up their end of the bargain I'm just calling them out on it.
  20. I don't have my map in front of me but isn't that in the New Hope area?
  21. You did no such thing. What sort of "standard" do you believe he has not held up? This is a contract dispute, plain and simple. It doesn't matter if he is a reverend, a policeman, a doctor or a housewife like me. He has a dispute and he is entitled to go to court to have the dispute settled. Thankfully your opinion doesn't carry any weight in a court and hopefully you never sit on a jury carrying those prejudices.
  22. Huh? I was agreeing with you! Maybe the nuance of the typed word is not carrying over. Not attacking at all. Just agreeing with you. (Although I don't think it was a publicity stunt but that's just my opinion. The rest, I agree.)
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