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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I always wrap. My husband's family use to deliver the goods in grocery sacks when he was growing up. Still do. So we argue over this every year.
  2. My point is made. Capricious. But for normal people, we wouldn't need any laws, now would we? Stupid people need laws. Is that what you're saying?
  3. I think Walmart should be able to pay $0.30 an hour. That would tell those people that work there they need to do better with their lives and it would mean less cost for all of us. That would give us all more money to pour into the economy and get things rolling again.
  4. So you are opposed to having laws against murder or stealing on the books???
  5. Do we need somebody to tell us that murder or stealing is wrong?
  6. Right. It was your sarcastic dig at the government where you want everything to be political. Please don't do that to my thread. This is about a real concern and real lives. If you want to talk about politics, don't do that here, please.
  7. Homemade pizza and a broccoli and asparagus salad.
  8. Public safety concern, jus tlike drinking or speeding. Please don't make this political.
  9. The studies show few people are wearing them correctly. My Link
  10. Many states have passed laws about texting or phone use while driving, but now the NTSB has recommended phones be banned while the auto is in operation. My Link
  11. See context. You didn't suggest government step in but related that to the fictiious Soup Nazi character. Context.
  12. Read the political forum and you'll laugh your butt off at the majority of people that post there. But seriously, go to YouTube and start having some fun. You'll be in a good mood in no time!
  13. Would someone point out in the thread where anyone suggested the government step into this debate? Anyone? Yet there is a suggestion that "liberals" want a government solution? So I challenge EVERYONE to show where it was suggested there needs to be a government solution. The obvious is the design can be changed to minimize the danger of accidental spillage. That is what this is about. Accidents. Accidents happen. They are called accidents for a reason. No one is suggesting parental responsibility is abrogated. Accidents happen. A simple design change is suggested to minimize the impact of
  14. Maybe the companies should be more responsible and change the design so that the many accidents that do happen might not be so dangerous. Kinda like all that chrome and metal on the interior dashboard on cars. No accidents and no problems, right? Just a thought.
  15. ER doctors and those specializing in burns are warning against buying instant soup. My Link
  16. Anything that will help the planet for our future generations is something that is a good thing. My Link
  17. I will mark it down for next year but I'm disappointed I didn't get to take the kiddies this year. We usually make out like a bandit on candy!
  18. Unfortunately, there are way too many like her. Just don't throw the baby out with the bath water here, pardon the pun. The welfare safety net is there for real needs and there will always be people who abuse it.
  19. I was at least year's parade because I heard about it here but I didn't even know about the parade today! Why was it not better announced? If I didn't know about it, I'm sure others didn't know either.
  20. OMG. You are really serious, aren't you. You don't understand the concept of uniforms that have to address all cultures? Really? And I don't understand the whole "sir" thing but to each his own.
  21. OMG. Yes, it does have EVERYTHING to do with school uniforms and for someone to not get that point shows a lack of critical thinking skills. The issue of school uniforms is one of exactly that: uniformity. How can school uniforms approach everyone equally while also incorporating the needs of the many, the few, and the minorities? What would uniforms look like that had to include all groups? What other groups have similar ideas about dress? Could uniforms even be done at all? To say it doesn't address the uniform topic is to not even understand the topic.
  22. Yes, it is. He was accused of arson and the science we have now said it was IMPOSSIBLE for him to have done it. But you believe what you want. And Rick Perry knew it that he executed an innocent man while playing politics to cover it up. My Link
  23. Cameron Todd Williams is dead too. Executed by TX. Refused a pardon by Rick Perry. Even though we know without any doubt he couldn't possibly have been guilty of arson and the death of the kids. My Link
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