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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Best vehicles I ever owned was a Nissan Maxima and an Isuzu Trooper. Worst car I ever owned was a Chevy Trail Blazer. First car was a Toyota Corolla and it had almost 300k miles on it when I finally sold it.
  2. Here's the list. I am so happy with my Prius choice! Now I just have to get it. My Link
  3. I'm sorry you don't see the relevance of the questions I asked. They are pertinent to the topic and legitimate questions.
  4. Lying to the grand jury gets him 30 days at his home. Probably won't be in the Hall of Fame. My Link
  5. Who cares who the guy is attracted to? Really? Who cares? The stealing is big. Abuse of power. Theft. Throw him in jail. I do question why he would want to hide his sexual orientation. Did he do so because he knew he would lose his political voting block since the GOP doesn't want to extend equal rights to homosexuals? Did he do so because the bigotry of the people in his party and he was afraid they would not vote for him? Did he hide it because he went to some church and was afraid what people would say about him? I wonder what his position on gay rights was before he got caught
  6. Why is this part of the omnibus spending bill? Why would this be linked to something so unrelated? This is just like the pipeline bill that got stuck in there someone posted about yesterday. Why is there no outrage over linking unrelated bills together like there was when the health care bill had unrelated stuff attached to it?My Link I do wish people would discuss the incandescent bulb with factual information. My Link The rest of the industrialized world has already figured this out. My Link I have to wonder why the multi national companies that have moved to other parts of the w
  7. What is wrong with people? Just because his son's middle school team lost a game is no reason to beat the kid. Jail time. My Link
  8. We have a basic disagreement of philosphy. The safety nets are needed because not everyone gets out of hte mess as you did.
  9. Liek i said, "Look at me! I did it! It was all me! The reason others don't have it is beause I am so much better and God must think I am much better because I have it and they don't!" Hypocrite.
  10. "Look at me! Look at me! I did it! I worked so hard! I did it and everyone can! It was my hard work that did it! It was all me!" LUKE 18: 9 Then Jesus told this story to some who had great confidence in their own righteousness and scorned everyone else: 10“Two men went to the Temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, and the other was a despised tax collector. 11The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed this prayer: ‘I thank you, God, that I am not a sinner like everyone else. For I don’t cheat, I don’t sin, and I don’t commit adultery. I’m certainly not like that tax collector! 12 I fast twic
  11. It's the rural area. MN is not the same as the NE or the West Coast. You guys could move. How many others cannot move for health reasons? Or how many have children with severe health problems? It is not always a question of "Look at me!" and "You can do it, too!"
  12. Let's divert and begin discussion illegals now. Gotcha. And for your position that you eventually found, how many other people didn't get it? Many of those people were in the same boat as you. They didn't get that job and did lose the house and their unemployment did run out. Just sayign that it is easy to say, "Look at me!" when fact is there may be other people even more deserving or even better qualified, but it just didn't happen. They are human beings, too.
  13. In the South, maybe. Most parts of the US? Nope.
  14. Not happy but I'm just a passenger on this train. I got the message from the moderators, all three of them that sent me those NASTY PMs. I get it.
  15. Right. If cutting taxes would work as they say, we would be in tremendous shape now because we've been cutting taxes a LONG time. Fact is, it is not working. What is the definition of insanity?
  16. Complaining? This is about pointing out the problem. Are you going to be part of the solution? You asked what was my solution. I said we already have on in place and it called the safety net. Sure, some people take advantage of it but that is true in all aspects of life. What is your solution? If we keep cutting taxes on the wealthy and cutting the programs, the poor get the shaft more and more while the wealthy get even more. How is that in any way the human thing to do?
  17. Why was my post edited but all the posts that jump all over my case in other threads get left? I get called names all the time but those are left and when I do the same, I get edited?
  18. Instead of cutting taxes on the wealthy and cutting programs to help the poor, what is your solution?
  19. Guilt is something the court decides.
  20. If guilty, he should be removed from office and given the full penalty of the law just as he made sure was given to those under his care. Perez told reporters Thursday that the sheriff's office initially failed to cooperate with investigators, prompting federal authorities to take the "virtually unprecedented step" of filing a lawsuit in 2010. He noted the investigation had uncovered startling levels of racial profiling against Latino drivers, ranging between four and nine times higher than against non-Latino motorists. Perez added that an independent reviewer involved in the
  21. Yeah, that's is how we make comparisons. You do realize that, right? Apparantly, you don't understand that even $21.64 won't support a family of four. That is like mom and dad making $10.82 per hour and 40 hours a week.
  22. That is the 3rd most idiotic post I've ever read on paulding.com. You think someone would have taken a job with a company if they had any idea it would go under? But they made the "choice" with all the information, including what might happen? You're insane.
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