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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. "Look at me! Look at me! I did it! I worked so hard! I did it and everyone can! It was my hard work that did it! It was all me!" LUKE 18: 9 Then Jesus told this story to some who had great confidence in their own righteousness and scorned everyone else: 10“Two men went to the Temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, and the other was a despised tax collector. 11The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed this prayer: ‘I thank you, God, that I am not a sinner like everyone else. For I don’t cheat, I don’t sin, and I don’t commit adultery. I’m certainly not like that tax collector! 12 I fas
  2. Picture menus are available at your request.
  3. Unemployment is not below 8.6%, contrary to the predictions back in August. The US economy is growing today, it is creating new jobs, and unemployment will continue to fall in the months ahead to 8% around election time. That is a good thing. Just 2 years ago in the last quarter of 2009, we were at 10% unemployment. That’s a drop of 1.2 percentage points over two years, when real GDP was growing around 2.5% per year. And notice that the drop in the jobless rate was not due to people leaving the labor force. The labor force is up slightly versus two years ago. The aging of the Baby Boom gener
  4. That's not always true. I know plenty of people who have been out of work for a very long time. These are well educated people who have worked very hard all their lives and are working even harder now just to make minimum wage. Luck or the gods or something cosmic or who-you-happen-to-know or whatever has a lot to do with it too. Telling them that THEY are the reason they are in the boat they are in is not only simplistic, but down right cruel. At least temper it with a "sometimes."
  5. My entry code is IKP4458. Thank you Starr & Dru's Nana!
  6. 2011 saw the lowest number of death sentences in 30 years. My Link
  7. The latest numbers say the middle class is shrinking and the poor are getting more poor. My Link
  8. Go to the same doctor. It takes a while to heal after surgery. I've never had knee surgery but I hear it can be a bear.
  9. Which do you believe? Your ears or your eyes? Fascinating. My Link
  10. I use AAA Travel Services. No hassel. Good prices. They do it all for me.
  11. I was wondering how much info they can get on a billboard too. Still, the advertsing has to be truthful.I think the FDA got this one right.
  12. Actually, that is kinda the point. The companies are forcing people to smoke by adding more and more chemicals so that people can't rationally make a decision to stop due to the severity of the addiction. The only way they can then stop is to go through an intentional withdrawal syndrome to overcome the addiction.
  13. Imagine how much science can advance in the next 130 years! My Link
  14. The tobacco companies will manpulate the product anyway they can to keep people addicted. My Link
  15. Ads that mislead and can be harmful are under scrutiny. My Link
  16. I'm giving him and spa treatment, two rounds of golf and a 4 day long weekend at Ross Bridge Renaissance in Birmingham. PLUS I'm giving him another round of golf and a weekend at Callaway. Of course, I'm going too and will get plenty of shopping in while he is playing golf.
  17. Mea Culpa. I didn't read the study, just the article. But that would spread out the cost and save the tax payer the money paid to offset the low wage. It would save $420k per Walmart store in government assistance.
  18. But the article is not saying the government should tell Walmart to pay $12 an hour. The study said that Walmart could do that, boost employee salaries, protect the bottom line and still have the lowest prices around. I agree. But that is not what the article is saying.
  19. Must be a location thing. I'm from PA and we always wrapped but I'm starting to see the light of my Southern Born and Bred husband. Wrapping is a pain in the a$$.
  20. You sound so angry yourself. Maybe you should step away for a while, have a drink and come back a kinder, more genlte person.
  21. I wrap the ones I get. He puts those he gets in whatever he has handy and that means sometimes he pulls it out from under the couch and flips the package to them.
  22. Go ask them what the cops were doing there.
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