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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Finally, now that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" has been abolished, it was bound to happen. A lottery determines who is the first person off the ship when it returns to port. For the first time ever, and to the cheers of the crowd, two gay women had the first kiss. We're making real strides in equality for all Americans. Still have a long way to go. My Link
  2. Did you not read the statement of Bank America that said it wil no longer engage in those practices of Country Wide for which it was sued?
  3. You really are insane. You are honestly asking everyone to believe there was no evidence and Bank of America is paying all that money on mere claims with nothing to back it up. Insanity. But it looks like you really didn't read the article like you said.
  4. As long as your politics delude your rational thought, there will always be denials of the obvious. Bank of America wouldn't have settled it there were no evidence. You know that but it doesn't fit your political agenda for that to be true.
  5. Riiiiight. You didn't mean it in any way at all as a political statement. Who ya fooling?
  6. And those who happen to disagree with them are not true patriots.
  7. And so the Department of Justice brought suit on mere claims. Gotcha. You're insane.
  8. That's not what the evidence demonstrated. Can you produce evidence to the contrary?
  9. That's my point. The evidence is that COuntry Wide was discriminating against non-white applicants. Saying it isn't so or saying it isn't discrimination doesn't change the fact that it did happen. Doesn't matter if it Bank of America was not the originator of the loans or not since they bought Country Wide, warts and all. It is still Bank of America that makes money from Country Wide and has to pay those obligations also. Some people are trying to deflect the real issue and that is that discrimination against non-white applicants did happen. They got caught. They are paying the fine
  10. Can you ofer evidence that would counter the evidence the Justice Dept showed where Country Wide did discriminate?
  11. Then what is the point of the thread title, "Didn't Take Long?" Makes it look like you're kinda upset we left Iraq from the whole tenor of your post. War Hawks. Notice the tie between the military, the politics and the corporations/money in all this. Just saying. And how do you propse we pay for a large enough continued presence in Iraq to make a difference?
  12. All holiday shopping is up. Best since 2007. So people are starting to spend money again. Online shopping is really taking off. Listen to Audio Report My Link
  13. Auto companies have figured out that car shopping is a total experience and that dealerships need to upgrade their showrooms if they are going to sell the cars. Listen to the story. My Link
  14. Europe has decided it will no longer sell drugs used for executions to countries that still have capital punishment. My Link
  15. Technology and economic reality are changing the jobs picture. My Link
  16. The housing numbers are still bad and we have a long way to go to get out of the mess that began in 2006 for housing. Things are looking better but it going to take a while. My Link
  17. Bank of America's Countrywide Mortgage has settled a lawsuit and is paying $335 million for charging black and Latino customers higher interest than it charged white borrowers. My Link
  18. A high number said this was in poor taste. If this were a Mulsim player and it were Allah or Mohammed, the Muslims would have said it was in poor taste and riots would have broken out in other parts of the world. Would Christians have then thought it was poor taste or comedy? I just think there is a double standard here.
  19. New study says the more we weigh, the less we make, compared to normal weight people. My Link
  20. More and more places are banning the plastic grocery bag. Seattle is the latest. My Link
  21. That was really funny! Some people have no sense of humor.
  22. That Right Wing Extremism just keeps you in a pissy mood, don't it? This was a funny and darling post, and you had to come in and start.
  23. Why all this fascination with guns? Knives and crossbows work well.
  24. LOVE my Volvo XC 60. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. Only had it a year so I don't know if it is the best car I've ever owned yet, but so far it is a dream. The ride is great and the features it has verses what it would cost to get on an American made vehicle is not even close. Quality has been great thus far.
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