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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. We're no longer in recession and have been out of it since June 2009 and the economy started growing. The DOW was at 6500 in March 2009 and is up 70% since then. Read the article.
  2. Everything I'm reading says the economy is no longer in free fall and I agree with that. Unemployment, according to economists, is a backwards looking number that says how bad things were a year ago, not how bad things are now. Considering this was the worst thing since the Great Depression, it is going to take a while to crawl out. Granted I'm not economist but I read from a lot of sources and they all say we are no longer in free fall. As long as we're stable, we can work on fixing it. Free fall is scary.
  3. That we are making progress crawling out of the biggest and baddest recession since the Great Depression. That's what the numbers show. Slow but progress.
  4. There are problems with the weak dollar but there are also some good things that come from the dollar being weak. Manufacturing and the exports of those goods we make is one of those beneficiaries of the weak dollar. My Link
  5. But we are certainly better off than we were in 2008 when there was a free fall in the economy.
  6. Things may look bad for the U.S. economy right now, but there are a few bright spots. Gas prices are down, retail sales are up, and jobless claims aren't as bad as they were. Things are nowhere near as bad as they were in Fall of 2008, a full 3 months before Obama took office. And the bad news we've had the last few months has been revised to better numbers than we thought we had. There, now, don't you feel better? My Link
  7. The thing just fell off! My Link Picture from DOT camera on 17th street.
  8. Nooooo. Because the constant accusations that there was a homosexual agenda have been going on for so long, and then the gay community began to push the envelope. It started a loooooong time ago and has never let up. The producers finally just made the statement to stop any and all complaints, accusations, boycotts or calls for anything. BTW, the puns you used were really funny.
  9. It's after midnight. Don't you now have more positives to give?
  10. That was the argument from some of the gay groups. Guess they figured that of the other groups could calls for boycotts of Bert and Ernie for being closet gay, then they might as well come out and just let it all be there. Kinda like making lemonade out of lemons. I didn't know it was on Hot Topics. I didn't even know it was a real issue until it popped up on my news screener. Really. The whole thing is silly. The gay groups suggesting they get married is a nice spin on what the tin foil hat people are saying, but it is not happening because these are puppets, not people. And t
  11. My people? You really are behind the times, aren't you? There have been screams for decades that the two were gay from some right wing corners. The HuffPost article you gave was from an LGBT group that wanted the puppets to BE GAY. The producers said the puppets are NOT gay. Do you see the difference? But that is LONG AFTER some conservative groups said the show should be boycotted for trying to change children to the "Gay Lifestyle." My Link of a 1993 Call for Boycott In 1993, a looney group of concerned parents and a North Carolina preacher tried to organize a boycott of the show,
  12. All I can say is that I want my credit card company to call me if there is suspicious activity and I want to them to start declining charges if they don't get a hold of me. That is the only way I can protect my credit if it is compromised. If a bank didn't do that, I would fire them and find one that does.
  13. Asking about money transfers like that is required by Federal Law as part of the Patriot Act to protect everyone against money laundering used for all sorts of evil deeds by all sorts of Evil Doers, including terrorists. It is not just the banks wanting to make you mad. Call your Congressman and ask him to work on repealing the Patriot Act.
  14. Teletubbies! And Barney. I really hate that purple lizard. When my boys were small, they wanted Barney everything. I wanted them to get University of Pittsburgh stuff. Hometown stuff! But noooooo. They wanted Barney. Can't stand him.
  15. Sesame Street made the official announcement that Bert and Ernie are not gay and are just best friends. I'm sure some people where really worked up over the clandestine plot to secretly encourage children to be gay. These are the same people that need tin foil hats, think Elvis is still alive, Big Foot is real, space aliens steal people and then bring them back, and believe KISS stands for Kings in Satan's Service. Really. They are just hand puppets that teach children about stuff they need to know. No liberal agenda. Just kids educational programming. Or is it? There will always be a few
  16. These are too good! Bet some people don't see the humor in it. Just saying.
  17. I know it is a pain. And I bet you're pretty ticked about it too. Understand it. Can see it. Feel ya for it. The bank does this because of the fraud that could be worse than the situation you're in. In other words, if it was fraud, you would be in even worse shape with all kinds of problems trying to clean up a credit report. At least it is just a hassle with a few things that didn't get paid. Always notify the bank when going out of state, especially going out of the country. Good suggestion above about the giving the bank the cell number and not authorizing any calls except aler
  18. Start with your family doctor. Get a complete physical. Then get a referral and go from there. Start with the medical side first to make sure it is nothing physical. There are some good resources on here but your family doctor should be the first step.
  19. And that is NOT what the headline in your link said, now is it? Appeals court rules against Obama healthcare mandate The headline did NOT say the entire law was ruled unconstitutional, only the mandate.
  20. Instead of reading the headline, read the content of the piece and dig a little deeper to see what the ruling actually did. From your own link, the very FIRST paragraph. The U.S. Appeals Court for the 11th Circuit, based in Atlanta, ruled 2 to 1 that Congress exceeded its authority by requiring Americans to buy coverage, but it unanimously reversed a lower court decision that threw out the entire law.
  21. That is NOT true. My god. You really need to read some more! The court ONLY ruled on that ONE part, the part that required everyone to have the coverage. The rest was allowed to stand. As the AP reports, "the decision didn't go as far as a lower court that had invalidated the entire overhaul as unconstitutional." My Link Yes. And that ruling will determine the bill. The ruling will also allow the losing side to begin the legislative process to get around the ruling. So it won't stop there.
  22. Actually, it is what the topic is about. The topic said the whole thing was ruled unconstitutional. That is not true. The lower court said that. The 11th said only that one part is unconstitutional. The discussion was about that part of the ruling. I believe as the 6th and other lower courts have said that Congress may mandate that. The 11th said that Congress may not. That is the discussion.
  23. But the 6th has ruled it did. Good night! Don't let the bed bugs bite.
  24. Whatever makes you feel good. But Congress can require it due to the interstate commerce needs of the American people. Not at all. Just like the government doesn't endorse conscientious objectors. Just like we already allow some groups exceptions, like the Amish from certain laws that everyone else has to follow.
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