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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Past history is past history. I certainly wouldn't want to be judged on my past history. The great thing about this (or any situation like it) is that history is not included and each case is judged by its own merits. You know that and I know you know that. I'm just saying that in THIS case, maybe he did have that agreement. If he did, good for him. He deserves every penny. If he didn't have the agreement, he gets nothing, or at least only a fair amount for compensation for what he did do. I just don't like people jumping on the guy's case because: 1) christians are like him and ar
  2. This is not the media. This is on-line reviews.
  3. But to be fair, I also know of situations where people put up negative reviews out of spite, or were business competitors, or were simply wrong because the customer didn't understand they were really wrong and the company was right. It goes both ways on the internet.
  4. No, it doesn't preclude formation of an opinion. In this case, I happen to disagree with you. I do believe there was some sort of agreement because God knows that family needed someone to say the right things (he did) and keep them all quite (they were) and to think he did all that without any sort of agreement is beyond my comprehension. I also think 10% is a fair price for what he did, considering the high profile situation he was in, and especially knowing that is probably a term (tithe) that he would use and the family would recognize based on the variableness of the reward, or the la
  5. Amazing, isn't it? And tell only part of the truth, too! Make themselves look good with spin while making others appear "less than favorable." It's an old profession. Similar to politics. Both of which seem very similar to the oldest profession.
  6. Mea culpa. I didn't see your link. From what I read, he used the "tithe" term as a percentage, not as a voluntary gift. That's what lawyers and judges are for.
  7. There is no link on the page I'm looking at, which is the original link, Nor are there comments on the AJC page.
  8. Evidently on-line reviews can be manipulated both ways. My Link
  9. Food stamp usage began to accelerate under W Bush in 2008 and under Obama's first quarter in office in 2009 due to the severe economic downturn. Although the economy has been growing since the summer of 2009, the growth is not fast enough to help the 46 million people currently receiving food stamps, while only 27 million were getting assistance prior to 2008. Let's all pray things get better soon for all the people on assistance. My Link
  10. Again, that is for the judge to decide. If the family agreed to pay him an amount (whatever it is called) then he may have a case. It may very well be that he used the term to designate a percentage, not a voluntary giving. And I don't want to quibble, but the article didn't say anything about him talking about a public tithe, but that he would get 10%. Maybe there is another article or video I missed??? That's all I'm saying.
  11. That is what the court is for. He acted as the spokesman for the family. Now as to what the arrangement was, that is for a judge to hear it all and decide. Still, I'm just saying that he did act as the spokesman and evidently there was some sort of compensation arrangement. I wouldn't have done it for free. If there was a verbal contract, he should get paid. I'm just saying.
  12. The article said there was a verbal agreement. That is what the court is for in matters like this. The lawsuit filed Wednesday by the Rev. Markel Hutchins demands money he claims he was promised by Kathryn Johnston's niece, Sarah Dozier. Hutchins said there was a verbal agreement that he would get 10 percent of the $4.9 million awarded to Dozier by the city.
  13. Every year the rates change with all the companies. I re-price my families auto policies every three years but I rely on the relationship with the agent the most. If she has treated me fairly, I will stay with her (or him) but it takes a significant price difference to make me move coverage. You do get discounts by adding the homeowners with the auto coverage. The "cheapest" will depend on your age and driving record, the type of vehicle and the coverage you want. What is the cheapest for one won't be for another person. And I've found the "cheapest" is sometimes that way for a reason
  14. I don't think the minister being a christian had anything to do with this at all. He did the work for the family as the spokesman. He did the job he was hired to do. He didn't get paid. If you were not paid per an agreement, wouldn't you sue?
  15. zoocrew


    You said it more gently that I would have.
  16. What about Altoona Area High School (PA) where I went to high school????
  17. That's the Oikos brand, according to the search I found. My Link
  18. That I don't know. Thanks! I will try it. Oh. So it's a sugar thing? I've almost gotten back down to my skinny jeans so I may not want to try the Oikos too much.
  19. Putting it down on my list to try now.
  20. I got mine at Publix. Most grocery stores carry it. Not sure about Kroger.
  21. Danon is an American brand. The Chobani is the brand you want to try.
  22. Unless you try it, you'll never know! BTW. It is GOOD. That used to be my fav too. Now, I just eat them all.
  23. I've never understood the American version of yogurt because it is so different than the yogurt in the rest of the world, and nowhere near as good. Anyone tried Chobani Yogurt? The Greek version of yogurt is AMAZING! Anyone?
  24. It doesn't matter if she was pulled over because of her looks or if she wasn't. The point is that he suspected she was illegal because she of her looks.
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