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Everything posted by champsbbcoach

  1. Personally, IMHO, it should be a must read for every high school student in the country.
  2. you should go online and check out Vision Computers then give them a call. They're the best.
  3. Go back in history and investigate some of the rule violations that the NCAA determined were bad enough to hand down the "Death Penalty". This is much worse than some of those.
  4. He's gone now as well as the president of the university.
  5. The NCAA should step in and not only force Paterno out, but Penn State should not play another game this year. Sorry, but that's the way I feel. When Dez Bryant had lunch with Dieon Sanders, he was kicked out for the rest of the season. When Green sold his own private property, he was kicked out for 4 games. When Tressel knew of minor infractions, he lost his job. This makes all those little tid bits the norm. Paterno did not do all he could. The first thing he should have done is report it to the school, then the police and then talk to Sandusky personally. They have been coaching tog
  6. Is it a good thing to force insurance companies to pay for pre-existing conditions? Who do you think is going to pay for it in the long run? You and I and all other insurance policy owners. That's equivalent to buying home owners insurance AFTER the fire or vehicle insurance AFTER the wreck. Aren't both of those pre-existing conditions if bought after the fact?
  7. I'm not R or D, but I am a conservative American. For every one (1) illegal deported, 5 or 6 are still coming in illegaly. Good that your dad can see a dr. at the VA. I'm a VietNam vet and I still can't see one. Osama is dead, I'll give him props for that. But he was in such a hurry to grandstand his death, he ruined any chances of us getting more of the bas***ds with the information we took from the compound. Maybe he did it on purpose to warn them. Maybe not. You named a couple and if you're honest with yourself, you can sit down and think about the hundreds of bad things he's trying
  8. Would you care to expand on the "good things he's done while in office"? For the life of me, I cannot think of one single thing.
  9. Here we go..... bottom of the ninth.
  10. Mediocre is too good to describe the food joints around Paulding. I've tried to talk the owner of West Cobb Diner into opening a place in Paulding, but I haven't been successful yet. I'll keep trying though.
  11. Dang, this is intense. I remember some youth baseball games just like this one. You can't get any better than this. Baseball rocks!!
  12. This is one of the best series I've seen in a while. I'm so glad the Sox or the Yankees or the Phils aren't involved in the fun. Texas all the way !!!!!!!!!!! It will be their first ever. The network doesnt' like the match up because they feel like they aren't drawing the viewers... Who cares? This series is awesome.
  13. I don't know how to post the link to this youtube video, so just go to youtube, type in tim hawkins-the government can..... and enjoy a few laughs.
  14. I heard on the news this morning that the protestors are protesting now because some of them are only getting paid $150.00 a day and they think that's not enough. They want more. I thought they were against greed!! Also I heard a snippet on boortz today from the twits in occupy San Francisco. A lady was saying that we need a democratic society in which Americans should be able to print their own money. Are they really this insane or are they just playing with us?
  15. gatorade and powerade should be used after strenuous activities, ie, sports..... should not be used as a casual drink, water should be the go to drink when thirsty.
  16. Two blondes standing beside their mercedes , one of them using a coat hanger, trying to unlock the door. One blonde says, hurry up, it's fixing to rain and the top is down.
  17. Just dang.. did our tax money get wasted on another tele-prompter? I was hoping it wouldn't get replaced after the theft of the other one.
  18. One major problem is that a lot of people are educated beyond their intelligence.
  19. Are those "special brownies" going to be the same ones I loved in the 60's ?
  20. LOL... some arsehat gave you a negative for posting news. And you didn't even give your opinion on the deal !!!!!!!!! :wacko:
  21. Exactly what he said....... why is the park in need of cleaning if those protesters are of such high moral fiber?
  22. How else can they justify wasting tax payers' dollars except by something like this?
  23. You're gooberment educated, aren't you? Seceding from the union was not about slaveowners having free labor in the fields. It was about business though, free enterprise, to be exact. The flag, to me, is just a flag. Just because white southerners fly it does me no harm whatsoever. And I'm not going to be PC by telling people it's wrong to display it. Slavery was a shameful part of this country, but you nor I were part of it. Did you know that Lee set his slaves free before the war, gave them their own land to sharecrop? Did you know that Lincoln did not free his slaves until after th
  24. Do you know the TRUE reason for the southern states leaving the union? That flag represents the freedom they strove for from northern aggression. Not freedom to own slaves. Check the facts and see if I'm not correct on this.
  25. I hope all the bed wetting liberals on this site read this list of demands. Maybe then, and only then, will they see just how stupid, moronic, idiotic those moonbats are, and if they agree with the occupiers, I guess that puts them in the same sinking ship.
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