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Everything posted by Shodges0317

  1. I like the way Polk county did their schedule this year. They are going back to school on Sept. 7th and they get out on May 26th or 27th next year. That is the way it should be. I am a stay at home mom and while my kids can get annoying I would rather them be home a few more weeks than have to ride the bus in the heat. I am sure the county likes it as well because it keeps the bills down. Plus I don't have to worry about fighting people everywhere I go to school shop. When I go school shopping everyone's kids will have already been in school for a month.
  2. I very much believe in Ghosts. I have had a few things happen to me but most of the things I know of revolve around my kids. Babyblues is my mom so you can go back and read what happened at my wedding and when my kids were born. Most of the things that happen to us involve my son who is 5 now. Although we had long since moved from the house that my parents raised us. When my son was 3 he started talking to someone while he was playing in his room. He did this several times before I worried about it. He didn't seem to be scared of the person. He would laugh and joke and carry on a normal
  3. I can't wait for fireworks!!!! I look forward to them every year. They will be shooting some off this coming Saturday in Aragon in Polk county. Then they shoot them off after homespun in Rockmart sometime in Mid July. I'm not sure what the date is for that.
  4. Does anyone know if brook's salvage is open today?
  5. Wow!!!! Angel Eyes I hope that whatever your race, religion, or gender you are not judged as a whole as you are judging this officer. Not all officers are the same. I have met many good officers who truly care about the people that they are sworn to serve and protect. I have also met a few who are true jacka**'s. I do not judge all officer's by the actions of the few who are not so nice. If you could actually look at this video without all of your preconceived notions towards officers. You would see that in fact this officer did act to the best of his ability to gain control of the situation w
  6. They will only move it indoors if it's thundering and lightning. Both of my brother's are graduating tonight and I couldn't be more proud of them. I am s o excited!
  7. Thank you. We found it! Now I am hoping that bizness didn't forget!
  8. My mom and I won lunch for mother's day and we are suppose to meet bizness there. And we don't know where it is. Tia
  9. Depending on what size you bought you can put the tablets in the skimmer thing but, if you don't have one like mine you will need a floater. DO NOT put the tablets straight into the pool as someone said before you will ruin the liner. Also follow the directions on the box as the how much of the other chemicals you need to put in. did you get shock plus and pool sanitizer? Feel free to PM me if you would like we have had our pool for 2 years now and we love it.
  10. It was AWESOME!!!!! I recorded it and I hate to say it but I am currently watching it again!! LOL
  11. Hubby made home made Tacos tonight. We love them in our house!!!
  12. Thank you so much! I know that my mom and I will have a great time during our lunch. Thank you for honoring all of us mom's it is nice to be recognized sometimes.
  13. I tried to bring the late night thread back a week or so ago. I didn't get any bites. I guess I am not fun to talk to or something. LOL!! How are you subby?
  14. Prayers for his family, friends, and his second family in blue. I am sure he will be missed very much!
  15. Aww how sweet. You guys are lucky to have found each other. Happy anniversary.
  16. I guess no one wants to chat I can't believe there's no one! I am going to facebook. I hope everyone here on Pcom has a good night and a great morning.
  17. seriously 4 views and no one??? Come on people come out and chat I won't bite!!!
  18. So I miss the late night treads so I have decided to bring them back. I am bored and want to chit chat lol!! If anyone is out there come on and chat with me.
  19. I caught it tonight. It was soo good. You can watch it on line at http://www.mylifetime.com/shows/army-wives/video Too much happened to try to tell you everything.
  20. My mom and I are probably going to bring my kikds. We are looking for an egg hunt to do with them tomorrow.
  21. I would suggest the comedy barn, Dixie stampede, and the sky lift to ober Gatlinburg. For my hubby and I we went to ober Gatlinburg to go ice skating which was sooo fun. But you can ski as well. As a kid I didn't like Dolly Wood but, that's just me. You can get a lot of coupons for restraunts and attractions just about anywhere up there. And as for a place to stay I have a cabin that I would HIGHLY recommend. The price was awesome when we went last month with a couple I met here on Pcom. We ogt it through Jana but, I can give you the link if you would like.
  22. I am going to be working on the yard and cleaning the van. It is going to be sooo pretty I don't think I will be inside much. My hubby and I were talking about possibly putting the pool up soon to clean it and get ready to fill. I am a spring/summer person and I can't wait for it to get here.
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