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Everything posted by Shodges0317

  1. I LOVE vegetables!!!! I can and will eat any and every vegetable I can get my hands on. My favorite food is cauliflower casserole. When my son was a toddler he developed the same love for vegetables. He is 5 now and still loves vegetables. In fact he would choose whole tomatoes over Oreo cookies any day. In fact we decided to take the kids to cici's pizza the other day for a treat and all my son wanted was a salad with lots of tomatoes. My daughter is another story. She's 2 and she won't eat ANY vegetable. I have even tried to hide them in her food. I have gone so far as to get the V8 V fusion
  2. I have att and if they do or don't support online gaming I don't know but, I have 3 xboxes and 2 wiis hooked up to our internet and don't have any problems. We had to do something to open our network options on the xboxes I don't know how they did it but, I can ask hubby when he calls.
  3. My parents always made New Years fun for my brothers and I. They would go out and get our favorite foods and we would pig out and spend time together. I try to do the same for my kids but, they are 2 and 5 and can't stay up late. For the last 5 years my hubby has had to work so I have spent New Year's alone. It's looks like it is just going to be me and my brother this year!
  4. LOL!!!!! Thanks for the laugh CC. I need it today it's going to be a long one.
  5. I have to drive what feels like across the country on Christmas. I am REALLY hoping it waits until that afternoon.
  6. I was introduced to Pcom by a firefighters wife who no longer posts here. I have only come across one pcommer that really gets under my skin. I love pcom. I am a stay at home mom and I love getting to come on here and read the different views that people have on different topics. I have met several members and I even met my best friend here.
  7. Big Time Rush for my little guy on CD. A bunch of Glee music for myself on itunes oh and some usher.
  8. I just wanted to let anyone who lives on Polk county like I do, know that school is out tomorrow. Let the Christmas Vacation begin.
  9. That's awesome. I hope people will go get warm!!
  10. AMEN!!! Come on you can't be serious! I am appalled that you would suggest that the SO isn't doing everything they can to get as many people as they can home safely. I would really like to see you get out there and do what they do. Would you really put your safety on the line like they do. I understand that you "believe" that these officers are just sitting around but they may be doing other things to arrange the removal of these vehicles. And get the roadway clear so that others like your husband don't end up in the ditch!!! I just wants to send a big thank you to your d
  11. The officer's in Polk are doing the same. I am listening to their scanners as I actually live in Polk. These officers are responding so well. They are looking out for the citizens and each other. Great job to both of the PCSO's!!!
  12. I am cooking one of the Brunswick stew recipes that was posted here a few days ago, garlic toast, and possibly mashed potatoes.
  13. I'm going to make Shrimp Alfredo with Garlic bread and a small salad.
  14. We had Vegetable Soup. Yummy!!! Tomorrow night we will probably have Chicken and rice soup. When it is cold we go for the soups!!!
  15. It's terrible! It came in a small baggie surrounded by tissue paper with a candy cane hanging out of the side!!!! I was like WTH!!!!! But I had to smile a be happy about it!!! All I wanted to do is throw it at her!!!!
  16. Last year my Hubby's grandmother gave him a $20 gift card to Ingles with a post it attached saying "shop for your supper". A few years before that she gave us a check for our power bill when I had already paid it. She gave me a wreath looking thing that had shells and a blue ribbon on it. I thought it was hideous!!! But my grandmother loved it and put it in her bathroom. My hubby's grandmother has money to burn and yet she always gives us the most awful gifts!!!! She gave my son a box of girls VHS tapes last year. Oh and she put bible track that looks like a $100 bill in a small baggie for me.
  17. Wow I hope that the parents showed up. I can't imagine what I would do in this kind of situation. My Heart would tell me to keep the child and care for them as my own. My head however would want to call DFACS and let them deal with it. I hope the OP updates soon!!
  18. The Holiday's are NUTS for my family. In the beginning of our marriage my hubby and I would go to 3 different houses for Thanksgiving alone! When we had our second child it became a hassle!!! Pulling the kids in and out of the car at each house, only spending a hour or two with each family, and the kids were tired and cranky by the end of it! So Last year we finally put our foot down. We are the only one's with small kids So on Thanksgiving we alternate the families. We go to 2 every year. Christmas is a lot easier. We go to dinner with one of his grandparents the week before Christmas usually
  19. I get my kids Pj's every year. When I was little my mom and dad would let my brothers and I open one present on Christmas eve. I continued that tradition with my kids and for now they get Pj's. When they get older it will be Pj's and something small.
  20. I was on a mission today!!! I came home from my grandparents house last night put my kiddos to bed and headed out. I spent the last two days researching and planning. I had a list of stores I wanted to go to, what I wanted to get at each place, and when each store opened. My first stop was Toy's r Us in Rome. It was great!!! They opened at 10 the line to get in moved very quick. I got everything I wanted except one thing that wasn't on sale. The checkout line moved fast! The sale's associate's were super helpful and everyone was organized. After that we hit Walmart in Rome which was a complete
  21. Me and a bunch of my friends are going to see it. I have followed the series since the beginning and have no plans to back out now lol. We are going to the Carmike Cinemas in Cartersville. We would be leaving now but due to some scheduling conflicts we are having to wait until 10. I can't wait!!!!!
  22. My hubby and I started dating when I was 16 and he was 20. We dated 2 years before we got married and this March we will be married 7 years.
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