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Everything posted by Shodges0317

  1. My 5yr old wants A Wii Bike Roller blades Nerf Guns Hot Wheels criss cross set Hot Wheel cars Geo Tracks Legos a dual ended lightsaber How to train you dragon toys and DVD and the list goes on and on and on My 2yr old is getting a couple of Dolls a couple of barbies Clothes New shoes Dress up stuff Tricycle Legos Diseney DVD's
  2. I haven't ever been to a starbucks. I like their double shot mocha energy drink but I can get that at a gas station.
  3. All went well with her surgery. She is home now. Probably sleeping lol. I will tell her to update as soon as she calls me again.
  4. I am sure that their grandmother has plenty of help. She loves those boys. I am sure if she thought that someone else could better care for the boys she would step back and let them do so.
  5. Unless stupidity is a sickness no she is fine.
  6. I was referring to their grandmother being sick. Their mother is fine. I with you no matter how sick I could ever be I would never let my kids live in such a nasty house. Technically they are in state custody. But they are with their grandmother until a hearing can be held to determine where it would be best for them to stay.
  7. I am not trying to put too much out there but, I know the mother. The boys did not go into the system as the news is reporting. They went to their grandmother. She lives out of state and did not know what was going on as she seldom travels due to having lupus among other medical issues. I feel terrible for these little boys. I can not imagine a child growing up in such filth. I like many others want to beat the crap out of BOTH parents for letting their children be surrounded by such a disgusting home. I pray that the parents get whatever is coming to them and that the little boys find love an
  8. I have a lot on my DVR! I LOVE it!!! So far I have: Grey's Anatomy Private Practice Mythbuster's Deadliest Catch Glee True Blood Frost/Nixon Army Wives I just realized that only 2 of the shows is for my hubby.
  9. We named our kids I guess you could say weird names. Our son's name is Skyler James and our daughter's name is Alyvia (pronounced like Olivia but beginning with AH) Danielle. I LOVE their names. I don't think I went too weird with them.
  10. Ewww!!!! I am sooo glad my little one is off formula and has been for about a year!
  11. Lol I have kind of gotten used to all of the noise. My husband has his xbox hooked up to the plasma in our room, My brother has his hooked up to the tv in the livingroom, and our roommate has his hooked up to his tv in his room. My hubby and room mate work at night so that's when they play the most. Hubby tries to keep it down while I am sleeping. But alas one is almost always running at my house. As far the yelling. I can't explain it at all. I keep telling everyone that no one can hear them and that they are yelling over a game which is suppose to be fun but they don't listen. So I just try
  12. I got a Sony Vaio laptop earlier this year and LOVE it!!!!!
  13. Nope not busy at all!! I am sitting here listening to my hubby and brother play Halo Reach! You know how that goes at my house. Then to top it off roomie is in his room playing, so the only way to escape the noise is to go outside. Which I don't like because of all the bugs!!!! So I am sitting in the room embracing the noise and laying on my bed. And cooks I totally knew what you meant in your PM and I responded. No worries.
  14. In his line of work, it is a massive pain in the butt to be fired. I can understand why he decided to go ahead a resign. It was honestly the only way to move on without something hanging over his head for months on end.
  15. From what I can gather and please bear with me because I don't want to be rude to the family to find out what happened. But there were multiple vehicles involved in this accident. The officer had just gotten out of his patrol car to direct traffic. Apparently one vehicle took a turn to tight and got hit by another car and spun around and hit the officer. He is still in the ICU. He is in a lot of pain. They are talking about surgery today. It will be a very long road to recovery for him so keep him in your prayers. He and his family need them right now. My hubby is going up there at some point
  16. Here's an update from the family. He is in SICU for 24 hrs to make sure his lung doesn't collapse or he doesn't get pneumonia because of the severe bruising. He has several broken ribs, trying to stay off the ventilator. has to do breathing treatments, Many staples and stitches in head, eye, and ear. He has a fractured scapula and a concussion. We are waiting on x-rays on his knee it looks swollen. Was thrown 30 ft and Dr. said if it wasn't for his size and health that it could have been fatal. Everyone that knows Harry knows hes way too stubborn for something like this to take him! Thanks for
  17. I am waiting for his wife to update me as to what is going on. I just know that he had just started doing traffic control. But anything is dangerous in that line of work. His wife was on duty last night as well so I can imagine that she is exhausted and scared out of her mind! Thank you for all of the prayers!!!!
  18. I would like to ask everyone to pray for this officer and his family. He is a good friend of ours. As far as we can gather his injuries are not life threatening but, he does have a head injury which is nearly always serious. Just please pray for a speedy recovery with no complications. Thanks, Copswife http://www.ajc.com/news/deputy-hit-directing-traffic-593495.html?cxtype=ynews_rss
  19. We live in Polk county. I LOVE the new schedule. It keeps the kids off the hot buses and it saves the county money when it come to air conditioning. The start and end times are the same from last year. And as far as I know the middle and high school kids ride the same bus. I'm not really sure about the buses though.
  20. I am sorry if I offended you in any way with my comment. I did not intend for it to be directed towards you at all. I was just trying to explain that, that as well as other reasons is why we keep our connection password protected.
  21. I have a password on my wifi. I don't see why I would pay for a service and let someone else take it from me for nothing. If you can't afford an internet bill that's fine but don't go looking for someone to steal it from. I have 3 xboxes, 2 desktops, 2 laptops, 3 phones, and an i pod touch that run off my system. I pay extra for the fastest speed I can get. I had a neighbor get on our system once when I didn't have it password protected they were using so much bandwidth no one could play on xbox live. That is the reason we have it. I don't think it is fair to pay for something and not be able
  22. It is in between the race trac and Blockbuster.
  23. I miss the old Cesar dressing at O'Charley's I loved it and would go there just to buy big cups of the dressing. Then they changed it.
  24. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a mortgage broker. My hubby and I have been looking around and we would like to buy our first home. I have a few questions so I would like someone who doesn't mind answering them. I am not even sure if we can approve for a loan but we would like to try. I found a deal that's hard to pass up. So if you have any suggestions please give them to me. Thanks
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