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Everything posted by Shodges0317

  1. 1.)Corey Smith - Let me love you on a backroad 2.)john Mayer's version of free fallin 3.)Oasis Champagne Supernova 4.)Ludacris How low can you go 5.)Micheal Buble Haven't met you yet 6.)Aerosmith walk this way 7.)Avenged Sevenfold Afterlife 8.)Miley Cyrus party in the USA 9.)Jason Derulo Whacha say 10.)Enrique Iglesias Tonight I'm Lovin you
  2. IRL I am very quite until I get to know someone. I believe that there is a God but I don't believe that religion should be forced down anyone's throat. I have scars on my head that look like I had horns removed. It is really neat and freaks some people out. I lost my dad to cancer. I can be a super bitch when I need or want to be. I drive a minivan and I am proud of it. I love my van and I even named her. I am a devoted wife and mother. I am an open and very opinionated book. If asked a question I try hard to sugar coat it if need be but often fail miserably. I met my best friend on Pcom. She
  3. For a long time as a child I didn't know that the man I know to be my granddaddy was not my blood grandfather. My dad changed his name when he was 18 to my granddaddy's last name. He was born a jr to his bio dad but changed his entire name. My dad tried several times to have a relationship with his bio dad. Every time he would come in with presents and empty promises and poof out of our lives just as quickly as he came in. After a while he stopped trying. Even after my dad passed away due to cancer our granfather didn't have anything to do with my two brother's and I. I vowed one day to try to
  4. The tornado sirens creep me out every time. I am borderline phobic about weather. I'm not sure why but I am.
  5. Sue is an amazing woman. I know that she will beat this.
  6. I have an 02 Ford Windstar. I have no plans of trading it in. It doesn't get the best gas mileage but it does get ok gas mileage at about 20mpg. Right now it costs about $70 to fill it. We just purchased my hubby a car though. When we bought the car we had gas mileage in mind. We bought a 1992 Honda civic Vx. The things gets crazy good gas mileage. He gets 45mpg. Earlier this week he filled tank for $25.00. We have decided that if gas goes any higher than $4.00 a gallon we will esentially park the van and rely more on the car for everything except family outings.
  7. My favorite is the peanut butter crunch one. I'm not sure that, that's the actualy name. But it's crunchy, covered in chocolate, and filled with peanut butter. My second favorite would have to be oatmeal cream pies.
  8. So I got these pictures. I was looking up the number for Animal control but now he's gone. Good riddance I have a 2 year old and that is her play area! Another picture
  9. HOUSE THEFT ON HWY 92 Local Paulding business owner in today's paper
  10. OMG!!! Eww to the blue waffles. I did however LMAO at the description on one site. I can't unsee what I saw unfortunately. LOL. BTW Congrats Chrissey!!!!
  11. LOL I wish I had a nice drink in my hand but alas I will have to wait until Saturday!!
  12. I'll talk to the hubbin. We have a mower but, my step dad has had it for 2 years trying to get it running. He said something about water in the carborator(sp?) IDK
  13. Hey AGG How are you tonight? I worry about buying a riding mower b/c 1.) I don't have a lot of money and 2.) I have nowhere to store it!! And I truely mean nowhere!!
  14. WELLLL I want a riding mower because cutting my lawn takes me 3 1/2 hours to do with a push mower but, My budget says I need a push mower lol!
  15. I am honestly waiting to see if my tax return goes in the bank tonight. LOL! BTW i love youe avatar/pic!
  16. LOL!!! It does seem like I am wayyy out here!! My hubby and I lived in dallas for a while and that is when I joined P.com. i just never left P.com it's too fun on here. I may get to meet you soon though. I am in desperate need of a mower.
  17. I think you may have me confused with someone else. I actually live in Polk County. But if you came all the way out here and I didn't get to meet you. I would definately be upset!! You seem like the most awesome person!!! BTW Marc isn't working tonight. He's been patroling part time to get him by until he finds something more permenant. He patrols my neck of the woods
  18. I'm here and I miss the night owl threads too. Marc abandoned us!!!! LOL Sorry you had a headache all day. That sucks.
  19. If you make under a certian amount you can file for free. You can do that anywhere I think. If you have any questions PM BabyBlues. She did mine before I started doing them.
  20. I have been doing our taxes thru turbo tax forever. I love it!!! It is sooo easy.
  21. I am a snoozer!! I HATE alarm clocks. I always set my alarm early because I sleep so hard I don't ever realize I am pushing the snooze button. Most of the time the only purpose for my alarm is to wake me up enough to hear my phone go off when my hubby calls to get me up!! LOL!!
  22. I will start teaching my kids at home. Of course they are too young now but, when they get older I will teach them about sex and what it's consequences are. I also would like to teach them that if and when they want to have sex to do it responsibly. Also hopefully I will have a willing friend with an infant that they can go shadow for a day or so. That way they can see that having a cute little bundle of joy isn't all that it's cracked up to be. It's hard work!!!
  23. Well my Hubby is being picked up by someone from the SO where we are so he can work his shift. He is packing for a few days because he has to be back tomorrow night. So he may just have to stay. I know quite a few are stuck at the SO. They are prepared though.
  24. I live in Polk County and it has done it a few times here. Scared the crap out of me!!
  25. My hubby has to be at work tomorrow at 6:45pm. My brother was suppose to be at work at 7am. Brother isn't going. Hubby has to go but, I am thinking he won't make it considering we live on a back road of the middle of no where!!! Unless the SO wants to send the 4WD after him. I don't think he's going to make it.
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