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Everything posted by Shodges0317

  1. I am 23 I am a stay at home mom. I know that one day my 2nd baby will go to school and I will "basically" not be needed at home anymore. I am at the same impasse that you are. I don't have a clue what to do with my life. I have several ideas of things I would like to do but, all of them take school and as you said I don't have the money either. It's so frustrating. My hubby is set on his career but, I am not so I feel like maybe I am lagging behind sometimes. I just wanted to add that although I feel behind and sometimes that my future is uncertain I am perfectly happy with that. I could
  2. Poor dog and Definitely poor kid. I hope that they are able to get him a new dog but, I know it will never replace the one he had.
  3. Wow that is truly a neat concept. Although I am already doing something like this. I think it would be neat if more people got involved.
  4. I also already had my boo hoo day. I dropped my 4 yr old off at pre k today. I cried almost all the way home. The only time I have EVER been away from him is when I had my daughter even then my mom brought him down to the hospital both days I was there.
  5. Are you talking about Van Wert? My son started there today as well. It is very nice.
  6. As I am newer to being a mother of a daughter I don't know that I actually count in this but, I remember all too well being a young teen and any girl who dresses like that is dressing like that for the reason you think. It is crazy to me to think that any parent would let their daughter go out of their house looking like that. Although I know that what a parent may see going out of the house may not be what they are wearing out and about. But at some point a parent sees these teens and still nothing is said. Also people wonder why there are so many young teens running around pregnant and all I
  7. I would chalk it up to a lose. But, I can bet that the kids know and appreciate what you and your hubby did for them. They won't soon forget. Also your sister in law may SAY that your hubby won't be able to see the kids again. But, I am sure as one person already said she will come running when she needs something. It's sad really. I hope that you continue to get the kids things that they need. Sounds like mommy doesn't buy them much.
  8. Hey GT I am soo happy to hear that your sister in law was ok as well as the kids. My younger brother and I stopped to help after it happened before police and fire got there. The kids were all pretty shaken up about the whole thing. The woman in the white suburban had to be cut out. We were worried about her because she kept saying she couldn't feel her back. I am just glad everyone involved was ok. We were soo worried about them.
  9. there's also fireworks going on tonight in aragon
  10. If you don't already know you MUST have insurance when you take the driver's test. And if the teen is getting a job then htey would be able to afford the insurance. Also maybe they didn't buy the car themselves. Maybe it was given to them by a friend or relative. And I hate to say this but if I had to chose between food on the table for my family or car insurance you would hard pressed to find someone that would chose the insurance. It just depends on the situation at the time for each person. I think that there are very few people who understand what it truely is to be poor. Including myself.
  11. Although I do believe that driver's ed should be required. I think that the HS that the person attends should pay for it and if the person does not attend a achool then they should be able to go to the closest school to take the course on a saturday or something. If the school or the state for that mater don't pick up the tab then it is penalizing the kids that can't afford it and if in fact the state or schools can't pay for it then no I don't think it should be required. I don't think it would be fair at all to the lower income teens that may need their license to get a job to help their fam
  12. I got this in an email a while ago and it still cracks me up
  13. what times do you have open? I am treating my self to a I finally paid off my van present.
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