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Everything posted by sungoddess

  1. :wub: :wub: Much love, hugs and prayers. God holds you tight, JJ!
  2. I am so, so, so sorry to hear this news about JohnnyJ. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I am caregiver for my 41 year old son and only have someone with him while I work, but please know that if I could, I would be there now to give you hugs! God be with you all.....
  3. I went opening night a week ago this past Wednesday. Had the side salad and wings. I must say the lettuce was very crispy and fresh and the hot wings were really good also -- very meaty, which I think is important! Yes, I like the new cleanliness, and my granddaughter is a waitress there too. Haven't met Kay, but Amanda really likes her. She said Kay has lots of good rules and runs a very clean place. I am going again Friday night!
  4. The one on Thornton was packed inside and out this morning. I didn't have time to wait in the line. HOWEVER, the one downtown tonight at Colony Square was a shorter wait but still busier than usual! Got my fix though!
  5. I will ALSO be at Chic fil a on August 1 to purchase food not only because I like their food but to support the right of ANYONE to speak their belief without being discriminated against themselves. Geez, I have beliefs also and would hope I won't be bashed because I speak them! Looks like Chic fil a will benefit BIG from this!
  6. I renewed my tags this week also, and the clerk told me the same thing. You only get a new tag if your tag is old (how old I am not sure)....
  7. I was stuck in it too and praying for those involved. All the way into downtown ambulances were passing and sirens everywhere. Horrible night.
  8. Thanks for the info. It looks like that is what I will end up having to do. I think someone there can load it and believe I can find enough muscle to help me get it in the house!
  9. Thanks, Scoob! You're the best. Amanda's fiance' has been cutting the yard. They live in the apartment now so it worked out well. Hope to see you soon. PLEASE keep praying for us; God knows I need it. He has been with me through it all, and I know he is here now! THANKS TO ALL THAT OFFERED, but now I am told a pickup is not big enough. Joe's dad is working on something and if all else fails, I will post again. THANKS and God bless you all!
  10. We so need some help, please. My son is being discharged from the hospital Friday, and I finally found someone to donate some medical equipment but have to pick it up in Stone Mountain by Friday. It is a hospital bed, lift and bedside commode. Anyone want to make $150? Please let me know. Thanks, Diane
  11. Bad experiences with Hiram PO also. NEVER go there -- UPS is my friend. Always know when and where my packages go! Personally, I don't need to get all my junk mail but one day a week. That would work for me.
  12. :wub: :wub: :wub: :yahoo: :yahoo: GOD IS GOOD! Congrats and I DO KNOW you bucket list is full! Don't waste any time and GET THE PARTY STARTED!
  13. This is what I expect to see in bars and have seen all my life. Alcohol causes many problems when you drink excessively, and bars actually scare me. I have been to many over the years, but now go only when a friend is playing in the band or for a special occasion for a friend.
  14. Hey tranquility. I use Awesome also on many things, and I started my indoors spring cleaning 2 weeks ago. Took all curtains and blinds down; washed curtins and I hand the blinds outside, spray them with soap and water and hose them down. ALMOST done with indoors, but not quite. I can't wait to get the yards, lawn furniture, pressure washing, etc. started.
  15. I'm still working on it; trying hard; but not moving forward too fast -- having growing pains! God bless all of you that had to grow up so early.
  16. Sams carries Dunkin Donuts, but not the K-cups (that I have seen anyway). BUT, if you have the insert for the Kurig, you do not have to use K-cups.
  17. I buy it by the case at Sam's. Folgers.
  18. Girl, you do NOT have any reason to even be in this thread defending yourself or your business; you have nothing to defend and you owe no one anything. Your actions speak much louder than words, and your actions are ALWAYS ADMIRABLE! You keep up the good work and ignore the kind of people that lower themselves to these standards; do NOT let them pull you down to the gutters with them. Much loveo!
  19. I walk it most of the way. Generally, I just walk and jog a little 4-5 days a week for exercise, and I did the race one time about 7 years ago (I think, I'd have to look at my shirt). I AM thinking about doing it this year again, but if I do, it will probably be my last (too old). Registration starts March 15th and hopefully we will be picked.
  20. YOU LUCKY MAN! Congratulations, JJ!
  21. I did use TT and received mine back in 5 days. And I file the detailed long forms. Always have used TT and never had a problem yet.
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