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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. We missed that one apparently. We were coming off of 120, turned onto 92, and the only signs we saw for the obvious entry said "do not enter", or something to that effect. I can understand - coming from the right, with them on the left at that point, you're trying to turn from a blind hill.
  2. If you're coming from any other direction than Hiram, how the heck are you supposed to get into the place without taking your life into your hands, breaking traffic laws, going at least a 1/4 of a mile away to turn around, etc. If you're nearing the place on the right hand side of the road and wish to turn left to get in there, you can't do it - or we missed something big yesterday.
  3. I like to think so. The entire time my son was in the womb, I just knew he was going to be a boy (we didn't want to know in advance), and I knew that he would favor his Uncle Doug. I'm in tears now. You take care.
  4. That's beautiful. I lost one of my brothers back in '85 when I was in the early stages of pregnancy with my one and only child. I think about him all the time. He was the older brother, and always protected me from the younger brother (bully) - (both older than me). He was diabetic - juvenile diabetes - and he was the weaker re strength but wisest between the two of them. We always had a very special connection (not to say that I don't with my other brother..........but I think you may know what I mean.) He passed away at 30 y/o. My son is named for him. You've done a great th
  5. What is the significance of the tattoo? I.E. the story behind it? It must mean something very special to you.
  6. TOP TEN INDICATORS THAT YOUR COMPANY HAS CHANGED TO THE GOVERNMENT'S VERY INEXPENSIVE HEALTH CARE PLAN: (10) Your annual breast exam is done at Hooters. (9) Directions to your doctor's office include "Take a left when you enter the trailer park." ( The tongue depressors taste faintly of Fudgesicles. (7) The only proctologist in the plan is "Gus" from Roto-Rooter. (6) The only item listed under Preventive Care Coverage is "an apple a day...
  7. I truly meant no harm and no offense. It's a nice tattoo.
  8. For her or for you?!? Seriously, I'm so far past that age with a child, mine's now 24, and quite agile - no thanks to his Mother.
  9. Don't 2 year olds tumble quite well on their own, especially if Mom's a klutz setting an example? Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  10. You know, we could make every single post a closed subject. How about sirens that I heard last night, or what's being built where ever, or so and so is in the hospital and needs our prayers. Or, my kids are driving me nuts. If it comes down to all that, then I'm out of here. I've got better things to do than check each little forum on P.Com, and I currently love P.Com. Sorry, I really like this site, but if it's going to come down to trying to figure out which little specific forum to go to every day to find out what's going on with each and everyone of you, well, if you've go
  11. Some bacon wrapped filets that DH got at Sam's and a wedge salad - no, not wedgies, the salad of a wedge of iceburg lettuce and blue cheese dressing.
  12. I don't know, honestly, I think it comes down to where your mind set is. I got scolded years ago by a member, when I first signed on to P.Com for posting things about the war - apparently I was in the wrong forum, even though I felt at the time and still do that it affects us all. Now, other subjects about the war come up and apparently they're allowed on the main board. Politics - I think that affects all of us too. But, with all due respect, over the last several years I've learned where to talk about it and where not to. But, why in holy heck are some of the other subjects on t
  13. We've gone here for a number of years and have never been disappointed. http://www.tybeeislandrentals.com/ Lighthouse Point - quiet side of the Island within view of the lighthouse. All the facilities have a view of the ocean. God, I really wish we could go there now. And Savannah is only about a 1/2 hour drive away - best of both worlds. I highly recommend this place!
  14. "Higher Love" - Steve Winwood "Bring me a pie of love" - compliments of my son, although I think he knew the actual words.
  15. LOL, well aren't you the special one!
  16. For crying out loud, all of you looking at this post get all your lyrics right all the time?
  17. I wish we had a choice, and I'm really thankful that with him being laid off we still have health coverage - this is just like a major sock in the gut - and Lord knows we don't need anymore of those, literally! (major surgery/surgeries on that area of the anatomy for him).
  18. Bernadette, by the Four Tops. I think I've started this topic before, but it always proves to be fun. OK, your turn.
  19. We had it a couple of weeks ago - best summer stuff you could ever want, and thankfully my chiggers are gone It's a painful dessert, but well worth it!
  20. I've got a pan full of leftover veggies from cooking a corned beef (sorry, I just had a hankering). Anyway, I've got leftover potatoes, carrots, onions and cabbage. I thought about doing grilled kielbasa to go with them. A week or two ago I would have thought it to be a wonderful idea, and then I caught a show on BBC America called "You Are What You Eat". There was this guy on there who weighed way too much - I still need and English/American converter to figure out how much a "stone" is compared to a "pound", but you can get the picture just by seeing his picture. Anyway - he wa
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