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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. Hands down - Marguaritaville (sp?) And Hotel California. Two of the most overplayed songs ever, ever, ever in the entire world. And when we used to have the actual oldies channel - Baby Love and Stop in the Name of Love. I swear that station had a play list of 40 songs and they would rotate those two every 3 songs.
  2. Someone recommended using Coke - oh my gosh - if you've ever cooked anything with yeast, you'll be amazed. I swear that stuff is alive in there! Just the Coke on the cast iron, nothing scarier than that. I'm not talking about trying to get rust off an old skillet and then reseasoning it, this is a cast iron pan like the old corn bread sticks kind of pans. It's one that my MIL bought for me not long after my son was born (24 years ago, it's been in the attic and we found it getting ready for the yard sale.) Anyway, Panda Bears of all things - cute as can be, and I really want to get it
  3. Prayers being sent. I'm sorry to hear about the complications, but Emory is a really good place to be that being the case.
  4. Please do, and I agree, at this point no news is good news. My best to you and your wife and your family.
  5. Marinated sirloin steaks, baked potatoes and broccoli with cheese sauce.
  6. OK, I'm not stupid, and I've had these little actual buggers before, but the thought of them still living under my skin makes me want to puke, not to mention scratch. OK, time to find something to suffocate the little buggers, i.e. nail polish, bleach, etc., etc.
  7. Yup, the clear fingernail polish works like a charm, been there done that, and I need to go find some.
  8. They itch. Blackberry cobbler is a great dessert, but you will pay dearly for it. I haven't had chiggers in years, and I wasn't actually the one deep in the thorny bushes, but they found me anyway. So..............................................it's time for chigger stories........................................
  9. I'm thinking about doing that, heck, it's cast iron, it should be able to stand up to an SOS pad. But as a common housewife - how the heck do I sand blast the thing? Do you think that Sam's Caffiene Free Diet Cola will work as well as Coke?
  10. I know how to treat a new one (sort of), but how do you get the rust off the old one without using SOS pads, which can't be good for the pan? And this one has got all kinds of nooks and crannies.
  11. I've got an old cast iron muffin pan - the muffin parts are in the shape of panda bears. My MIL gave it to me years ago, and it's been in the attic for who knows how long. Anyway, it has become pretty rusted, and I'd like to bring it back to life. Any ideas on how to do this so that it comes back well? TIA.
  12. That's what I'm thinking. Do they have egg beaters?
  13. Anyone know a store that carries both? Not in a quiche kind of thing. We're going to our friends' place on Carter's Lake to do some fishing, etc. I bought groceries not knowing exactly what we were having, he's (friend) got an issue with cholesterol, and the guys both want to fish. So, Egg Beaters and worms? Where do you normally shop for the two?
  14. LOL! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks again for playing along! Now, I have to go bathe a dog, clean the bathroom after, and get ready to go up to Carter's Lake! Thanks again for making me smile!
  15. I still have absolutely no idea who she is - I'll stick with Al Roker and the Weather Channel, Hasn't Flip been gone for about a year now? There was Guy Sharpe who was an Atlanta icon who bought into the whole Proctor & Gamble devil worship thinging - you know, ram's head on their logo with 666 somehow hidden in it. Oh, poor Guy, he was a sweet old man, may he rest in peace.
  16. Mysterious and spooky........................ Your turn.......................................................................
  17. God job, good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for playing along! I'd do the theme from the Munsters now, but you need lots of finger snapping and all. Did any of you know that there are actual words to the theme from the old Andy Griffith show? All they do in the theme is whistle, but apparently there are words.
  18. The Minnow would be lost The Minnow would be lost The ship set down on the shore of this uncharted desert isle..............................
  19. I love it, keep going - and no fair googling!
  20. Very interesting - on my way home from the Publix in New Hope going towards the old dragstrip, there have been "estate lots" for sale for at least 8 years now I'm thinking, for $109,500 for 2 acres each. I had to laugh whenever I went by there because we bought the additional 2.75 acre lot next to ours for $30,000. I guess they thought that if they characterized the lots as "estate lots" they'd bring more money. Anyway, leaving Publix today I noticed that these same "estate lots" are now being offered at $69,500, which is still way too much money for the land, but I think whomever has
  21. A tale of a fateful trip................................. Your turn.
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