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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. From what I understand, yes, this has been done under previous administrations, but they normally stay on until their replacement is hired. Not so in this case.
  2. I'll gladly pay you Tuesday....................... Wimpy wants to know if anyone else remembers.
  3. A few of us here have been wondering about that very same thing. Good to see you Low!
  4. Who's going to pay for this? And while local LE is busy dragging people out of their homes, who will respond to local crimes. Not being snarky, just asking.
  5. And that sux. We moved to this area in '91, and it was a nice middle class area. Raised our son here. It used to be good, but now I'm starting to think I'm starting to live in a very depressed area. Don't really want to move because we do have property and no mortgage, but I don't know.
  6. Wow, I am so sorry! Please keep us posted!
  7. Told my husband about the dead mouse right at the back door and he told me there were two in front of the garage door. They're good workers, but I do feel bad for their victims.
  8. I'll start by saying that, yes, I love you too! And I will get up in the middle of the night to make sure you're in the house, safe and warm. And, of course, when I first get up in the morning, while trying to get my coffee before getting ready for work, I'll make sure you have your food. I just want to say that I appreciate that you're great mousers. Just quit leaving them on my door step!!!! Love, Your Grateful Mamma Mew
  9. I think Kroger will be fine, that store is packed always, but they may need to step up their game on a few things.
  10. Let's hope this can save us from President, I mean Steve Bannon. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/3021
  11. You guys and gals can argue all you want. This is turning out to be not the America I grew up in. 9/11 was, up until now, the worst and I could only compare it to Pearl Harbor. I guarantee my parents are asking WTF is happening here?!? Dad served in the Navy, five invasions, Mom sang at the White House, several times, and one at Truman's inauguration. (Yes, I can prove it, I do have old pictures and I have her dress!) I'll be honest, all this is scaring the crappola out of me! Talk amongst yourselves. Won't change anything. Sad.
  12. After working in that area for 3 1/2 years it'll be nice to have some new options. I'm sure it will end up to having an impact on my commute, i.e. 13 minutes to 15 minutes plus, but what is one to do?
  13. They opened on Wednesday the 25th. Very first day the parking lot was packed. It's right up from where I work, so I'm very excited and will be checking it out very soon! Also very excited about Marshall's and Stein Mart going in!
  14. Oh my God! http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/in-his-first-major-tv-interview-as-president-trump-is-endlessly-obsessed-about-his-popularity/ar-AAmfSFs?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp
  15. It depends on where they live, what time of day, etc. Please don't judge. We have sirens here all the time, don't like it, but it comes with the territory. Are you always awake at 4:00 AM?
  16. The bank has to answer to their shareholders.
  17. Just curious as to why Chanel 46 had a news truck across the street from EPHS late this afternoon. Anyone know? Saw it on my way home from work around 4:15.
  18. Sand truck in our subdivision, off Mt. Tabor.
  19. According to that map I'm right on the edge of the 4-6 inch zone.
  20. That sounds delicious! Will have to try!
  21. Yep, it got moved to the forum "Thoughts for Food" which I'm not sure if anyone posts in or reads.
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