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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. To the bigger point, if he said it, and meant it in the most respectful way, why did he put out his "official Twitter statement" this morning saying he didn't say it and that he has proof. Why lie? Even the soldier's mother confirmed the conversation. And where's his proof? In the locked vault with his tax returns and Obama's birth certificate?
  2. What a vile, heartless, clueless disgusting person.
  3. Those are my two favorites as well, just not during festival time.
  4. I hope we get some color. Right now it looks like leaves are just turning brown and falling off.
  5. I love apples, the mountains and buying boiled peanuts from some remote place on the side of the road while riding through the mountains on a fall day. Traffic, crowds, etc. not so much. Haven't been to Helen at this time of year for decades for ages for the same reason.
  6. We used to love going to the apple festival, Burt's Pumpkin Patch, Sorghum Festival, etc. but the crowds have gotten to be so awful we don't go anymore. We will go to Elijay sometime this month for apples, but skip the tourist places and try to do it during the week.
  7. You missed my point. He was basically telling them that compared to Katrina, their situation pales in comparison based on death toll numbers. From what I've been reading today that count hasn't been updated for a week. And they've thrown the budget a little bit out of whack. Really?
  8. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/president-trump-arrives-hurricane-ravaged-puerto-rico/story?id=50241205&cid=clicksource_4380645_2_three_posts_card_hed
  9. Was flipping radio stations on my way home from work today and landed on a station playing Living Like A Refugee and then just saw this news a little while ago:( This pales in comparison to Vegas, but what an f...ing Monday.
  10. The.Best.People. Drain the Swamp. MAGA! Goodness, people actually buy into this crap?
  11. This makes me sad. Spent many shopping trips to the one off Barrett when my son was a baby thru childhood. He's now 32 and has his own new son. Remember his excitement re going thru their huge Christmas catalogue, but we also actually bought diapers, etc. as well as his 1st bike, more GI Joes, Ghostbusters and Ninja Turtles everything than I can mention. I do agree that Amazon and the Internet have probably had a huge impact, and not just on Toys R Us.
  12. The Colonial pipeline has been shut down. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/southern-gasoline-pipeline-shut-due-harvey-49534866?cid=clicksource_4380645_1_hero_headlines_headlines_hed Price for regular gas at the Racetrac on Dallas Hwy. was $2.59 this morning.
  13. ---Sorry was listening to Walter Reeves the other morning and he was talking about the subject. - Jamie I was commenting to my husband several weeks ago that there seemed to be many more bag worms this year.
  14. Wonder if it will completely flip the way Smyrna is doing. The area around what used to be Belmont Hills Shopping Center has gone from "underbelly" to "top drawer". Mableton and Austell probably have some pretty cheap property right now, they're pretty close to ATL and major interstates, and I can see smart developers coming in and taking advantage.
  15. I still miss the one in Hiram. Before the Walmart on Dallas Hwy. opened and the only close Walmart was in Hiram, I always went to Kmart across the street instead.
  16. I remember the gas shortages after Katrina and Rita. I was in a panic trying to find a gas station that actually had gas. I needed to get home from work, and my car was just about on empty. I must have tried 4 or 5 gas stations before I found one that wasn't completely out.
  17. Wonderful news! Fingers, legs and eyes crossed for good news on the test results!
  18. Wouldn't that be a HIPPA violation?
  19. Sending healing thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery.
  20. That's what I was thinking, or parents kept them out for eclipse viewing.
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