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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. Re pizza delivery and car insurance, my son delivered for one of the more popular ones for a while when he was still covered under our policy. One of his coworkers unfortunately didn't brake his car well enough while parked on a hilly driveway. Car rolled down said hill and ran into the house. Son was told to, and did, quit that job the next day. These were both teens, and I seriously doubt the employer ever told them about insurance restrictions to where the young drivers knew, i.e. verbally.
  2. Was telling my husband just a few minutes ago that I wish we had a local "mom's kitchen" type place around here that's open around dinner time for dishes like real chili, pot roast, beef stew, chicken soup etc. Home made, not chain food, fast food or mass produced grocery store stuff. I can definately do all those well on my own when I have the time, but some nights I'd like to pick up or order something other than BBQ, pizza or Chinese, or the afore mentioned. Obviously need to go back to setting aside a day on the weekend again to cook and fill the freezer
  3. I don't think the teens were married.
  4. This is what I can't get past (well, among other aspects of the case): It took less than a minute for Harris to allegedly forget his son: Stoddard timed the trip from the Chick-fil-A parking lot to the turn Harris had to make to go to his son’s day care. It was about 0.6 miles and took 30-40 seconds, according to Stoddard. Harris told police that, after he straps Cooper into his car seat, he "always gives him a kiss in case he gets into a car accident and dies,” according to Stoddard. So in less than a minute, Harris would have gone from kissing his son to forgetting to drop him off a
  5. It was fate! You should probably buy a lottery ticket today.
  6. Well, that works too! Will you have a cold meatloaf sandwich tomorrow? The actual food, not the singer.............................
  7. Wasn't there also talk of one going in in front of Hobby Lobby where the dentist office is, even though the building was nowhere near big enough?
  8. She has three big egg sacks, right outside my dining room window. She needs a friend of a baby pig named Wilbur. I have named her Charlotte.
  9. Same goes for pizza delivery folks, at least as far as Allstate is concerned.
  10. Wolf spiders are big brown ugly biters. Garden spiders are big yellow and black and pretty, And I totally agree re chiggers!
  11. Martha Stewart is a killjoy and would probably insist that I make my own candy and grow my own pumpkins. The garden spiders I have remind me of Charlotte's Web, and they won't bite me. My small dog on the other hand.........................
  12. Can I just decorate with actual spiders and their webs (the pretty "garden spiders), or is that just wrong?
  13. I really am sorry for your loss. It's obvious that there was great love for each other, and what more can you ask, and what else can you do? Keep those great memories in your heart and mind.
  14. Wish it was the last day to actually vote. This election can not end soon enough.
  15. Ptaying for all our folks here who post here and everyone else in the path of this storm.
  16. Also, https://www.facebook.com/lawnewz/videos/vb.133874403636376/325105681179913/?type=2&theater
  17. My point exactly! So when do I put up my Christmas tree?!? I'm so confussed!
  18. This weather is starting to feel/look like a Twighlight Zone episode. My husband brought some boiled peanuts yesterday, which I love, but I assocate them with cool fall weather, just like apples. And don't even get me started on pumpkins. I may start getting Halloween stuff out anyway, just because. OMG, just looked at the calendar, Halloween is on a Monday this year!!!!! What day will we celebrate Thanksgiving??!!!
  19. Still? Has anyone here ever convinced anyone to come over to their side?
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