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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. This whole thing was and is incredibly heart breaking.
  2. https://www.newsarama.com/34925-bat-signal-to-be-lit-over-los-angeles-in-honor-of-adam-west.html?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark
  3. Something that really touched me and gave me some faith in our elected officials in DC was not just the reason for this ballgame, but to hear members from both sides of the aisle talk about how they, as people, they're good friends. Some were in tears, all of them only cared about their friends, even if they are from different parties, many prayed, from both parties.
  4. It's being reported that the shooter has died.
  5. We used to love to go to Shipfeifer's on Peachtree for gyros. Unfortunately they closed down a few years ago.
  6. It think my male friend (we were young kids)he was always Batman and I was Robin.
  7. You don't need to be sorry. That show was just a major memory from my childhood. I'm obviously old. Don't even get me started on my life after 1966...............LOL!
  8. I think we can all agree on that. But dear Johnny never wrote songs about fake fighting noises: BIFF, BAMM, OOOFF. Give them each their due:)
  9. The campy one with Adam West or the one with Michael Keaton? Seen both and can appreciate both for what they are. Didn't know the back story re the sets, thanks for that. And yep, two nights a week. And some amazing celebs/actors, etc. as villains: Burgess Meredith - Penguin Caesar Romero - Joker Julie Newmar/Eaetha Kitt - Cat Woman Frank Gorshin - Riddler Forgive any spelling mistakes on names, I'm doing this from memory
  10. May need to tie an old towel or some cape style piece of cloth around my neck in memory. Yes, I did that when I was a kid - don't judge me! And don't try to stake out my house tonight to see if I actually do this.
  11. I think we're on the same page here. Is this going to be the excuse for all his childish dangerous behavior in the future?
  12. Trump can be given a pass, "he's new at this" http://www.politico.com/story/2017/06/08/ryan-defends-trump-on-comey-the-presidents-new-at-this-239298?lo=ap_a2&utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark
  13. Why, just why? And he left himself (the USA) to an option to negotiate a better deal? I know he loves the coal miners. I get that, but coal is not coming back. Great, he and his family inherited a lot of money. That is how you run a country, and perform on the world stage, deal with allies?? Anyway, this all makes me want my country back and I have a pot roast about to come out of the oven. I just don't even anymore.
  14. Not even TNT or great shows on AMC? Are you reading books instead, and if, which ones? After two months of rebuilding our family room, no TV, cable, etc...... Just trying to be friendly here.
  15. Very, very sorry to hear this.
  16. So very sorry to hear that, prayers for strength for the family.
  17. FBI searching Annapolis GOP fundraising firm
  18. Better source: http://www.wbaltv.com/article/fbi-searching-annapolis-fundraiserconsulting-firm/9639787
  19. https://twitter.com/TrueFactsStated/status/862726883611480065
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