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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. My request a few years ago for anyone's recipe for Country Fried Steak was immediately taken out of this forum, and moved to a subset forum. That's OK. This whole site has gotten very cliquey. Thanks Andy, Aunt Bea and Barney for trying to move it back in the better direction.
  2. But she served a wonderful word salad that day. Very articulate authentic Alaskan gibberish.
  3. Wonder who the people in the rust belt and coal country use for insurance. Just saying.
  4. Over a hundred views and I'm the only one to comment on this. Personally I thought she was a class act.
  5. http://money.cnn.com/2016/11/14/media/gwen-ifill-obituary/index.html?adkey=bn from PBS:
  6. Why would that not surprise me..............
  7. The EPHS band was practicing the French national anthem for hours this morning (if the wind is blowing the right way I can hear them), and the southeast is turning into a desert. Coincidence?
  8. (It was meant tongue in cheek guys)
  9. We're inundated with smoke from massive fires, Donald Trump will be our next president and I just heard a howling dog. Coincidence?..............................................
  10. Loved "The Martian"! S Matt Damon was great I thought, very funny and charming, and I liked the sound track.
  11. Currently reading " How to Cook a Wolf" by MFK Fisher for my book club. Very interesting re rationing during WW2, how to make do and how to make food actually good. And she's funny. Binge watching "The Wire", great show, and yes, we're behind the times. Recipes? Nothing new here, but I am so craving a pot roast, pork roast, homemade chicken and dumplins and a good pan of cornbread. Movies: Nothing new, we've been watching old faves - Oh Brother, Shawshank, 12 Angry Men, Psycho, and things like Blazing Saddles.
  12. tried any good recipes, or have a book you'd like to recommend? What is your go to guilty pleasure when it comes to old TV shows, or current for that matter. Are you binge watching anything? (secretly hoping I can redirect people here from all the political stuff, personally I can't stand it anymore,)
  13. Good for you! Wow, you should be so proud and have every right to be, congrats for all your hard work!
  14. I had the same thought last night. Instead of Paulding,com it should just be Paulding Political,com. Used to come here for local news and events It really has turned into a political crap fest. Thing is there are just a few posters here anymore, posting their same political views and it always leads to a dead end. Tonight should be the best World Series game ever! Night!
  15. You've survived worse, and you're going to get through this too!
  16. From what I'm hearing on local news stations, the fear is not so much a lack of gasoline currently. but the effect on gas prices, right now that is... We filled up this morning just in case, who knows............I still have to drive to get to work, we have to be able to drive to get to the doctor, etc., etc. Yes, the panic has already started, but I was going to have to get gas this morning even without this current news. Saying that, stations are indeed starting to dry up.
  17. Happy Happy you. Hope it's a great day!
  18. They're creepy and they're kookie Mysterious and spooky........................
  19. but as warm and dry that it is I'm afraid they'll rot before Monday. Also scared re putting real candles in them. Yes, I have some LED candles, just not the same. Lord we need some rain!!!!!!!!!!! Even my big old Oak trees could dress as skeletons this year.
  20. Please go away! We need some rain!!! Even my big oaks are looking wilted.
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