Yeah, to each their own. I guess I just disagree with her/their beliefs. My saying so on a message board no more affects them than her having so many spawn affects my life.
I won't even get into the religious thing (Quiverfull?), but it can't be good for her mentally or physically. Didn't the doctor tell her she should stop after the last one, or risk her health?
But yeah, not as bad as Octomom.
So predictable. Guess they have to DO IT!!!! Driving and upset (plus optional rain)? Gonna wreck! Say you'll be together forever? Not on TV, sweetheart.
The whole cat thing puts me on edge after she talked about what happened to the last one.
No, I am not in that boat (though I do have my own set of neuroses). But I wonder if they can't afford treatment, and find going on a TV show worth the embarrassment to get treatment.