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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. Yeah, WTF does she know about Jay-Z? Blasphemous! Like when one of the Olsen twins wore a Metallica shirt!
  2. No, not as bad as Turn My Swag On or Party in the USA.
  3. I have an older, but very good AT&T phone. I was going to donate it, but...
  4. Yeah. I prefer text or email.
  5. I'm a weirdo. I love love love fall and winter, but I stubbornly wear sandals until the last minute. I'll probably wear some today.
  6. Nope. But I did actually wear socks yesterday.
  7. I am not saying they are not well cared for and well-bahaved, and that they are not entitled to their beliefs and what not. I'm just stating my opinion. You know, everyone has them. And yes, given the children I encounter in public, parents could certainly learn from the Duggars in that respect.
  8. Is 18+ not ridiculous? What planet am I on? Bueller?
  9. That quote is from a lady who left the movement. She has a blog, but I can't find it at the moment. Some of it is appalling. You're right, it's not for me. Having kids, period, is not for me. I'm not down on having kids, but it does get to a ridiculous point. Like the Duggars, IMO. And Ms. Seelhoff makes a good point. They are certainly better off financially than most.
  10. I've done a lot of those, but only from a receipt. And Target, and...when will I win something? (Never.)
  11. http://www.newsweek.com/id/189763/page/2
  12. We have one of those, too. Luckily no incidents (yet). It was an older lady, whose son would come over and visit her regularly. My husband even cut her grass for her. I think they let the bank foreclose.
  13. Yeah, I'm sure two more kids will help.
  14. She better get used to it. she's doomed to a life as a baby factory. And you're probably right about the sex thing.
  15. Me, too! And I would have skipped the big hair. The one thing I regret above all others is that my Dad wasn't there. I'm not into the giving away of the bride crap, but having him there would have been great. He did not approve at the time, but he did before long.
  16. I don't agree with celebrating Columbus, but yay, state holidays! (I also get confederate Memorial Day. )
  17. I think that includes the silly Dress Barn dress I wore.
  18. How about under $300. License, ceremony at a tiny chapel (only 4 ppl there, including us, the witness/photographer, and "reverend"), hotel the night before, gas to drive to TN.
  19. I grew up over there, too, though in Austell. It's certainly different now. Same with what I remember of 278, which was that there was almost nothing there.
  20. I love Michael, especially when he gets exasperated by his family.
  21. I feel the same about Sharon. and Adam.
  22. Something about how she saw the car, jumped out of the way, didn't know who was driving, etc. Lost her necklace and cell phone.
  23. As far as I can tell, yes it will stay there. I record it, so it doesn't matter to me, except when I work at home.
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