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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. While I will confess that I always find your assessments entertaining, I'm not sure about this one. By all accounts, he was a nice guy who had always done his job well. There hasn't been anything negative said about him. Even his ex-wife had good words for him. In one article they described him as a "stickler" for following the take on luggage rules, which apparently the woman that hit him was breaking.
  2. You do realize that Obama has increased our debt more than all of the presidents that you listed combined. And, as I mentioned above, the "I'm a democrat because it gives me a better shot" doesn't sit well with me at all. It reeks of dishonesty. Just like listing yourself as a "student" to run for office, and then backpeddling because no one wanted a career student to represent them. He had to have weighed the values of each party and more closely aligned as a democrat to have made that choice. No one has yet to answer which values he most closely aligns with. EVERYONE who claims to
  3. I have more than one closer than that to me.
  4. Isn't it funny how some of those who think she shouldn't have that many children would absolutely support her right to abort them? She has as much right to her decisions as anyone else.
  5. You still haven't given me a good "why" he's running as a democrat. And honestly, after the last 2 years I have little trust in anything with a (D) next to it. Is Avery saying he's really an Independent, but couldn't win that way, so he needs a different approach? So we count her out because a few are running scared. I have this perceived fear that I can't prove so I'll vote against her. I didn't see Shearin's name on his financial disclosure. Did you? In fact, I didn't see any of those names you mentioned. What I did see was a grassroots campaign that was far out financed by the S
  6. For the record, the bus NEVER stopped in front of my house as a kid. I had to cross 2 yards to a side street and catch the bus with the other kids. And, ::GASP:: while in elementary, my mother walked me to the bus stop in the morning. I didn't see the report, but most neighborhoods, driveways are fairly close together.
  7. Great minds She's probably already here Great minds again!
  8. So does Paulette Braddock. how many of you are basing your decisions on what you truly know, what you've heard, etc.? Or, the misconceptions of your own mind. Should Will Avery be heard? Absolutely. However, so far, I've listened to him and I've heard nothing that tells me WHY he chose to run as a democrat. What about their values does he align with? he hasn't shown me values that I align with. And all I've heard from anyone on here is that he's a "conservative democrat". I find that argument ridiculous quite frankly. What about that represents the people of Paulding County? Wh
  9. Congratulations! (Keep my PM box handy, my husband is a great mechanic. )
  10. That's probably a great idea. I just haven't gotten one yet. Love the typewriter. I still have my IBM Selectric if you know someone who needs one.
  11. Quite frankly, I'm sure I haven't even tapped the surface on what this phone can do. The only thing I really dislike about it is the wide screen when I'm on the phone, it's just hard to get used to and a little uncomfortable. But, my hands aren't very big, so I'm sure that makes a different. A man probably wouldn't even notice. Don't get me wrong, the big screen is GREAT for my tired, old eyes. And, I end up cleaning the makeup off the screen several times a day. I don't think you'd notice that problem either. And, since I'm extremely accustomed to typing with all five fingers, I'm
  12. I have Sprint's HTC EVO. Are they similar?
  13. Good grief! The polls haven't been closed 48 hours. Can we please rest a bit more? We've got 3 months to discuss this and I'm currently discussed out for a few days. Hit the cave.
  14. Cabe

    So sad....

    Anger is actually a very normal part of the grieving process. Even if you get angry with her, the disease, the circumstance, whatever. You'll work through the anger as you go through the stages of grief. Each person progresses through grief differently, and enters each stage at different times. Allow yourself the emotions as you progress, it's really the only way to work through it. I'm so sorry for your pain. I'm sure she didn't intend to cause you pain. http://www.recover-from-grief.com/7-stages-of-grief.html I haven't used this site before, but I hope you find some comfort.
  15. You are certainly welcome to vote however you wish. But your statement is wrong. I have (probably) all of the fliers and I'd be happy to sit with you and compare inconsistencies and misrepresentations.
  16. Last night I heard 3500, and that Karen can't pull a high enough number from those
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