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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. I was just working on that. (And thinking of you since I saw some old exchanges between us.) I haven't renewed my membership so I have to work with a smaller in box. Let me know if I didn't clear enough.
  2. To my knowledge, Virginia isn't on here making ugly comments about you. Why must you continue?
  3. In his Paulding.com ad Drew Lane states that Donovan spent "31 years keeping criminals off the streets". The right to a fair trial belongs to each and every American. That's the role of a defense attorney, assuring the defendant gets a fair trial. Is Drew disregarding that right? If it's true that Donovan has kept criminals off the streets for 31 years then that means someone on the prosecution side didn't properly to their job.
  4. Sure, if you need them. I probably need to clean out the PM box since I'm no longer a paying member. I'm sure it reduced the number of PMs I'm allowed to have.
  5. Not sure why you are so hot to trot for my response. I can't even vote in that district. I stated an opinion, just like everyone is entitled to do.
  6. Doesn't sound very expensive to me. Not with the onslaught of slick political mailers I've received at my house. So far, I've amassed quite a collection. Could have probably funded a few schools with what they cost. My bad.
  7. Totally unrelated to any point that any of you are trying to make but . . . As a Mom, I found it odd that Michelle and the oldest child were vacationing in Spain, the younger daughter was away at camp, and Dad took off half-way across the country, on his birthday no less.
  8. I'm sorry that happened to you. I've been duped a few times myself.
  9. Show up in labor, they'll keep you. Or you could call them and work it out. You should have seen the stack of bills I paid in cash for my son. Trust me, they'll work with you. They don't want to repo a baby.
  10. By all accounts, Barnett, Cochran, Crowe and Pownall are all worthy candidates. I haven't seen anyone that represents the Paulding Republican party say otherwise. Instead of beating these folks into the ground, we should be grateful they put themselves out there to run for office.
  11. Tell 'em you have $10/month. You are so quick with the crochet, you could do that.
  12. Please note. Not currently a paying member. If it were, would it be kinda like saying "thank you sir, may I have another?"
  13. You really, really should do a better job with your research. Stout kicked off this campaign with a taxpayer funded flyer, and they have been endless since then. Financial disclosures are available online.
  14. Your repeated attempts today to be insulting to me are simply futile. Call it whatever you wish, my name isn't anywhere on any political party rolls in this county. I've never thrown a bomb. And those that truly know me have never called me either a zealot or a reactionary.
  15. What amazes me is that all of those who are so paranoid about who Jerry Shearin MIGHT be backing (since I don't think he has publically backed anyone) are okay with whoever the Austin crew picks. You are perfectly okay with a full political hat trick.
  16. No, he's fully backed by the new guard. Braddock put together a good, grassroots campaign with MUCH less money than Stout. Quite impressive I'd say. Braddock appears to be backed by regular people who aren't impressed with Stout and want him OUT.
  17. If you don't want baggage, stay away from Stout.
  18. A county commissioner who refers to folks drawing a "government paycheck" with disdain speaks volumes to them all. Even though HE draws a nice government paycheck. Since we seem to share the same view of each other's posts, I am the lucky one. You usually post such lengthy diatribes that I rarely read them. Cheers
  19. It's beginning to stink like the formation of a new cartel, all the way up to the District 19 seat.
  20. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  21. Well, just got a call from Boyd Austin saying I should vote for Drew Lane.
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