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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. They didn't even mention that he has nice hair.
  2. You've mentioned that before. I looked for it then, never found it.
  3. There's a big recycling center in Marietta I used to take our stuff to from work. I don't know if they have a program to pick it up or not. Sorry.
  4. One, she voted for one tax increase. The one that the voters eventually agreed on as well. In fact, I voted yes for the children. That's the second time I've admitted that on this board. If you think otherwise, you need to put up proof.
  5. You need a combination of flour and corn meal. And, the most important thing is to make sure to have oil ready at correct temp before putting okra in. Otherwise, you end up with mushy instead of good and crunchy.
  6. I was working at the Perimeter when the Olympics was in town. The few of us from Paulding and Cobb were really worried about how traffic was going to be during that time. Our administrator had gone to a couple of meetings regarding traffic and kept telling us not to worry, we'd be fine. No change in work hours, etc. Lo and behold, she was right. I don't know what they did during that time, but it was the easiest drive to that area ever! and I worked there 5 years.
  7. I have Sprint. Free calls to all cell phones, regardless of carrier and unlimited text and data. pretty cool, but not very cheap. I think they said I could add a line for $10, but that would be the 3rd line added to my family plan and I'm not adding my kids yet.
  8. I made no attempt to deny his right to make ignorant remarks. I leave the censoring on this site to you. I have no authority to deny him that right. I have the same rights to react however I deem appropriate to his remarks. And you brought up "conservative family values", not me. I'll be happy, when I feel ready to do so, to start my own thread about how I think my ideas and ideals will be represented.
  9. I'm sure you could have said it much nicer than I did, but he has ticked me off. He has been extremely rude to me personally (as I'm sure you recall). And why on earth would someone agree to a debate based on his OP?
  10. Personally, I've talked with both of them. Would an open discussion/debate be okay with me? Sure. Would I want Animal to have any part of it? No way in hell. By the way, my animals act much nicer. I don't really give a rat's butt about Animal's opinion of anything.
  11. I gave a (-1) for the bolded portion below. He can't seem to make a comment with some smart-ass attached to it.
  12. I must thrive on "crazy talk". I read this site daily.
  13. Did you censor information from p.com?
  14. You do understand the type of business she owns? She's able to do mailings much cheaper than most.
  15. What information? It's all public record.
  16. I purchased Rejuvenate from Home depot for my cabinets. works well, but you'll have to get all the grease off first. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  17. Different (in every possible way) Steve Golden.
  18. Not directed at me, BUT why should it? He didn't bother to return it before it became "talk".
  19. We were discussing Elvis at dinner tonight. My husband and I were trying to wrap our heads around it being that long, and the kids were talking about how great he was.
  20. Do I have compassion every day, every time. Unfortunately, not. Different people have a different heart for different causes and situations. My heart aches everytime a mother has to bury her child, but based more on my own experience. Sometimes I reach out, and sometimes I don't. At times it depends on where I am with my life. There are some who come to the aid of every abused animal and I'm grateful they are there, but that's not my calling all the time. Is it self-preservation? most likely. And, well, the whole karma thing . . . I don't believe in that. But, that's a whol
  21. We usually donate to "The Been" in Dallas. They do a lot for the local community.
  22. The effort to guilt those that don't share your feelings on the matter is also wrong.
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