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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. To my knowledge, the questions I have haven't been directly asked. I guess a more correct wording would have been the silence on the issues that I'm referring to. For example, within the next 2 years I'm sure the GA legislature will address immigration. However, I did not find your stance on that issue on your website, it hasn't been discussed here, and you haven't mentioned it when I've heard you speak. If I've missed it, I do apologize in advance. How do you feel about the stance Purdue took on Obamacare? Do you support the "Tea Party" ideology of more limited government? I
  2. Ditto. Which is precisely why I don't support Avery.
  3. If we were buddies, I'd just show you the bills to prove my point. On the other hand, if we were buddies you wouldn't assume I was being dishonest and I would have nothing to prove. Either way, I'll let you assume whatever you want, stand by my statement, and let yours sit. Have a good day. Careful. Whitey will tell you that is a mathematical impossibility. For the record, I believe you. I'm in the same boat.
  4. All I'm asking is that we call a spade a spade. Yes overall, for the majority, taxes went down. But there's no need for "atta boys" to the BOC because they had nothing to do with the decrease. It decreased because the economy over the country went bust. It had the potential to decrease even more, but the BOC choose to vote in a small millage rate increase. Were they securing our future and looking out for our best interests in doing so? Let's just take the high road for now and assume they were. So far, I don't have a history that would tell me otherwise. Otherwise, don't wiz on m
  5. Sometimes I just can't hide the country.
  6. I her and you too! Let 'em talk!
  7. My husband is paid on commission. Revenue is down. What if he just informed his boss that he had voted himself a higher percentage to help make up the difference? Oh, and we don't need those extra dollars for living expenses, we just want to sock some of it into savings for next year. Think there would be some anger and resentment? yes, I understand the need to maintain good ratings and a certain amount in reserve. But don't blow sunshine up my butt about it. This BOC did not give us a tax decrease. The economy tanked. It's still there.
  8. What's confusing about this isn't a gift from Austin, it's simply a result of the recession?
  9. Yes, from 2006 to 2007 my property tax increased 20% and stayed level for 2007, 2008 and 2009, even allowing for the lost tax credit. My point was that I'm still 15% higher than 2006 when my house was worth twice as much. I'm not going to jump for joy over saving $100 on my property tax when my house value is down 50%.
  10. Lemme get this straight. You get angry and name call because some of us aren't on board with your chosen candidate. We are simply falling in "lock step". However, I have issues that are important to me that your candidate won't even address. I know where the republican stands on the issues. So, when those issues come up in the next 2 years, I think he would just fall into lock step with the Democrats. And that's not a risk I'm willing to take. And that makes me stupid?
  11. My bowls are fine, thank you very much. Although I could stand to get rid of a few of those old Tupperware ones. JSYK, Jerry wouldn't know me if I were standing before him.
  12. I have a nasty attitude? Priceless.
  13. I'll be sure and not spend that $100 "savings" all in one place. Wow, that's awesome. Property value decreases 50%, property tax decreases 6.5%. I'm really feeling that "change". This year's taxes are 15% more than they were in 2006 when my home reached the height of it's value.
  14. love that line! I had fun and it was great to see you guys!
  15. Really? You, Animal, Surepip, Whitey and some others are having a good time painting a lot of folks with the same brush. Will's own words were "I am a Democrat". I've seen nothing from his platform that indicates that he's any different.
  16. My guess is that you already know the answer and this is a big ole game to you. Enjoy. But if you still don't know, check with his in-laws.
  17. That may very well be the decision that you have reached. However, there are those of us who disagree with his positions and the positions of the party that he represents. I'm sure he's a likeable and well-educated fella.
  18. Waiting on the DVD so I can enjoy watching the local movie stars over and over.
  19. Why don't you just tell these good people the truth. You are an evil, rich business owner who is sucking the very life's blood from this county while you laugh all the way to the bank. We are just your minions paying your way on the backs of homeowners. Oh wait. You are a county homeowner too.
  20. Heck, I knew I was in trouble with my son during a check up at the pediatrician when he was in pre-k. The doc knew he had started "school" so he asked him how it was going. Mr. Big Shot informed his doc that he knew his ABCs, could count and write his name. He really didn't see the need to go back. And, while it's funny now, I don't think he was kidding. He still doesn't like school. But, I'm a nag, and school comes first. And, while I know he rarely gives school 100%, he makes acceptable grades.
  21. I take ours to The Been. They do offer items for sale, but also honor vouchers from several local organizations.
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