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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. www.associatedcontent.com/article/5586604/creative_campaigning_in_paulding_county.html?cat=9" Creative campaigning in Paulding For the naysayers, here's what regular people (completely unassociated with her campaign) think of her.
  2. If I'm wrong, I apologize. I know 2 of the post candidates were missing at S&S. I thought one was David Barnett. If he was there, then I guess he was just forgettable.
  3. He missed the Stars and Strikes meet and greet and (I believe) the forum at the Dallas Theater. Beverly attended the Stars & Strikes event and the event at the Dallas Theater. She's been knocking on every door in her post. I for one applaud that. Some folks really appreciate that one on one with a candidate. Quite frankly, after all that's been said about Beverly on this board a campaign manager would be nuts to have her come her. Even the owner is name-calling her, even though he obviously doesn't like being called names. I've taught my children to treat others the way th
  4. I agree 110% I was actually coming in to post the same thing. I don't have a voice (vote) in either post, but that's my opinion.
  5. How many years did she work for the county prior to Jerry? I don't know that she filed suit. I haven't SEEN a lawsuit. It's been reported here that there was an out of court settlement. If she settled, what ax?
  6. We get it Pubster. 7 pages (not counting other threads) of "DD isn't as bad as you say" and 7 pages of you replying "oh yes he is". 7 pages of DL is a nice, bumbling, buffoon met with but he's still not as bad as DD. Yes, I am. And it is 180 degrees from yours. Please list those attorneys. Or are they in the same category as the mysterious judge who is mucking up the system?
  7. I didn't hear you complaining about the events that David Barnett missed.
  8. Cabe

    Price too high?

    Yes, and they rock!
  9. And I would suggest that characterizing Donovan as vindictive is ONLY YOUR OPINION. Not mine and not a lot of other folks. Lane was appointed by Purdue. I don't know of too many folks with good things to say about Purdue right now. Just one more blunder on Purdue's part I'd say. BTW, there's a typo on Drew's website. BIG no-no.
  10. Nope, they showed at our house with blue cards with the info already printed on it. I think it was summer time two years ago.
  11. I supported Clark too. He was the most qualified.
  12. We very rarely go to the movies. It's simply too expensive for our family of four.
  13. Why do we drive on the parkway and park on the driveway?
  14. But will he be HOT at 64?
  15. It was on last weekend
  16. Before you say that, call Drew Lane and ask him how many child molesters are in jail as a result of his efforts.
  17. No, it isn't. Just a diversion from someone who prefer the Democrat choice for this seat.
  18. Kara's gone now too. Fired. A few years too late, but gone none the less.
  19. I have no idea. I'll find this and get back to you. His age may prevent him from being a viable consideration.
  20. Well, if we should never change because it upsets the apple cart, maybe we should try and reach Jerry and see if he's available.
  21. I truly hope she's being shielded from all that.
  22. Take it back to just 3 judges. But DON"T bring in Jessica Simpson to replace Simon.
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