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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. I've never been there. Just can't bring myself to go. But, I hate to break it to ya, he's been in business a long time. I doubt he'll close any time soon. Out of sheer stubbornness if nothing else.
  2. So (according to the thread you started) you oppose "fees" for services that folks use, but you support what is basically a "sin tax". How much sin tax do you support placing on alcohol? Getting a warrant has nothing to do with what is being discussed. And no, if you are serving papers from another county you don't need the originating county sheriff's approval and it's not true in reverse.
  3. You all go talk and re-group. I've got other things to do that doesn't involve any of you. Of course, it's now painfully obvious why Avery choose some guy from out of town to be his campaign manager instead of any of the locals.
  4. He stated specifically "I am a Democrat". Showing no desire to join the local republican party. That, in my opinion, aligns him more closely with national democratic values.
  5. I linked to the entire bill. Although I doubt anyone here will read it all. I myself read the majority of it July 1. I wasn't necessarily taking it out of context, simply pointing out a small portion. It's a very lengthy bill which I had no intention of quoting in it's entirety. And shouldn't the younger among us (myself included) assist the elderly? we do that with social security and other programs. We'll soon be doing it at some level with Obamacare (unless we get representation that will intervene) only some will support all. (Shouldn't those evil insurance companies shoulde
  6. And wouldn't it be wonderful if all of those who espoused conservative values joined in that mission?
  7. A benefit the State could no longer afford to fund due to a national recession. A temporary reduction that was given during a "boom time".
  8. HERE's a link for HB1055. let folks decide on their own. However, I felt sure many would agree with this portion: Please note also that the day the fees actually increased, I started a topic here on pcom regarding my shock at the amounts of some of the increases. No one seemed to care. Also, continuing with the sheriff example, I don't know what the sheriff's dept does with the funds they receive, but the checks for sheriff's service are made payable to each county's sheriff's office. And so does the State of Georgia. Careful. Your agenda is showing again.
  9. I'll have to be sure I keep this straight. According to your most vocal (and obnoxious) supporters here: -- When it's a voted-upon increase from the BOC in a declining home values market, it's a decrease. -- When it's a failure to adjust millage rate due to increased home values, it's an increase. -- When it's an increase from the local BOC, it's the cost of doing business. -- When fees are raised for the first time in 20+ years, it's a tax increase we should all be wary of (and it's all Bush's fault). Gotcha Now, let's continue with the example above: the cost for the sheri
  10. Catty. While I don't agree with a lot of this, you need to realize a few things. For example, the fee for sheriff service had not increased in approx 20+ years. Other fees mentioned had similar time spans. BTW, I am not sure what you mean by this: sheriff's office action from another county Ironically, the ones breaking their necks to pat our county commissioners on the back for their non-decrease, will agree with you. Y'all enjoy.
  11. You've obviously missed the innuendo, name-calling, falsehoods and outright lies posted. I don't think any of the Braddock supporters are willing to engage a certain few on here any longer. I'm certainly not. The election is 7 weeks away, yet they have been screaming debate for a month. Avery went so far as to post a "press release" (which created it's own falsehood).
  12. How dare you suggest they take a different route. I was out of "positives" to give for today.
  13. Sewer generally costs whatever the water bill is. For example $40 water bill, $40 sewer bill. $25 water bill, $25 sewer. The water deposit used to be $50, not sure now.
  14. great place. go soon so that they can still enjoy the pool.
  15. Why are we assuming this involves bullying and in some fashion those who received the threats deserved them?
  16. Eh, it's been a real yawner around here lately.
  17. So I guess this time it's not a pcommer and we can talk about it.
  18. Yes, it was. I don't think he'll be offering it here anymore.
  19. No, just quit arguing with you about it.
  20. I agree. it's all a big game for them. and all any of the Avery supporters are doing on this board is making him look bad. Those same folks wonder why I have said time and again a candidate shouldn't come here. And I just LOVE all of the assumptions being made. Fixed it for ya
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